Billy Lee (in Double Dragon II)!
Have you ever wondered how old your favorite video game character will be when they die? Defunct Games puts that question to the test. By studying the lives of gaming's biggest stars, we are able to accurately predict when they'll croak.
(Note: All characters start at 79 years old, the national average for life expectancy.)
Billy "Hammer" Lee
July 28, 1970
Billy, along with his twin brother Jimmy, is the hero of all five main series Double Dragon games, along with the remakes and spin-offs. You will also find him featured in Battletoads & Double Dragon, Super Spike V'Ball, and the Neo Geo/PlayStation Double Dragon fighting game (which is currently available for the PlayStation 3, PS Vita and PSP).
Billy and Jimmy Lee have been training their entire lives to become experts at their specific brand of martial arts. One day their peaceful lives are turned upside down when the Black Warriors show up and kidnap Marian, Billy's girlfriend. This sets the twins on an adventure that consumes the rest of their lives.
He's a White Male
He can fight all he wants, but Billy Lee knows he's statistically destined to die two years earlier than the average woman.
Adjustment: -2
He's a Twin
Billy is the younger brother of Jimmy, his fraternal twin. Studies show that, on average, twins tend to live longer.
Adjustment: +3.5
He's Athletic
Billy is no couch potato. When he's not practicing his Sou-Setsu-Ken moves, Billy is hitting the beach for a quick game of volleyball.
Adjustment: +4
Lives in a High Crime Area
Billy may have thought he was getting a good deal when he signed the lease, but his home town is overrun with gang members.
Adjustment: -8
Trained Hard as a Kid
Billy began his martial arts training at age 12 and became a Kung Fu Sou-Setsu-Ken master at age 20. That's commitment.
Adjustment: +3
He's Unprepared
He may have trained hard as a kid, but apparently he skipped a few classes. Why does he never think to block or carry multiple weapons?
Adjustment: -3
Complicated Family Problems
Billy fights with his family as much as they get along. He was famously stabbed in the back by his brother over a girl.
Adjustment: -2
He Is a World Traveler
After defeating the Black Warriors at home, Billy travels abroad to continue his fight with this band of interracial bad guys.
Adjustment: +1.5
Tragic Love Life
Billy's girlfriend is gunned down, only to be resurrected for some reason. Later, she's possessed by evil and Billy beats her up.
Adjustment: -2
Adventure Seeker
Billy has a hard time saying no to danger. He lives to thwart nefarious plans and save the world from dastardly men.
Adjustment: -5
Is Constantly Being Beaten Up
It's not just that he's looking for trouble; it's that he's constantly getting beaten up. Everywhere he goes, somebody wants to punch Billy.
Adjustment: -2
Has Memory Problems
Maybe it's all the hits he's taking, but Billy is unable to remember moves and combos he's learned from one sequel to the next.
Adjustment: -8
He's Persistent
Even when he's down for the count, Billy is always able to get back up and save the day. He knows there are people depending on him.
Adjustment: +2
He Doesn't Know When
to Stop
On the other hand, running head-first into thousands of gang members is a really good way to cut your life short.
Adjustment: -7
Life Expectancy - 36 Years Old (1970 - 2006):
It's a short life for a street fighter. Even the best martial artist will eventually succumb to a stab in the gut or gunshot in the back of the head. His tragic love life and complicated family problems certainly aren't helping matters. Sadly, our hero won't even live to see 2007, the "futuristic" year the Double Dragon movie was set.