Magazine Retrospective: NewType Gaming - For the Competitive Player

Welcome to the 29 Days of Christmas, Defunct Games' annual holiday celebration. For the next month, we'll spend every single day looking back at the best and worst magazines from the 1980s, 90s and beyond. Count down the days to Christmas with humorous and informative videos talking about classic publications from around the world. Will we talk about your favorite old school magazine? Find out when you read the 29 Magazines of Christmas!

NewType Gaming

Price: $2.50
Format: Multi Console
Years: 1993 - 1995
Publisher: NewType Gaming
Today we're taking a look at NewType Gaming, the magazine for the competitive game player. It's a lot like all the other magazines on the market, only this magazine is in black and white. Learn more about this curiosity on this new episode of 29 Magazines of Christmas.

Excerpt: Back in 1993, Bryan M. Datu had a dream to create the ultimate video game magazine. It would be the ultimate magazine for the competitive game player and feature full-color pictures of all the hottest games. It would be rad! Unfortunately, Bryan didn't have a lot of money to throw at this project and came up with the short-lived curiosity, Newtype Gaming. Things started rocky, with Bryan's masterpiece filling up a mere 18 unmarked pages. The magazine was filled with black and white images, reviews of outdated games and a layout that looks like it was assembled on a Canon word processor from 1988.

On Tomorrow's Episode: Come back tomorrow when we'll take a look at S.W.A.T.Pro, GamePro's very first spin-off. Is this another homerun for the home of Slow Mo and Toxic Tommy? Find out on tomorrow's episode of 29 Magazines of Christmas.