In this corner we have Virtua Fighter 2, the Saturn sequel to one of the most influential fighting games of all time. In the other corner, we have Tekken 2, Namco's mega-popular 3D fighter that came to the PlayStation with even more characters and cinemas than the arcade original. These two games fought it out in 1996 to see which system would win the 32-bit war. But what did the critics say 29 years ago? Was it a hotly contested battle or was there a clear winner in this fifth-generation showdown? To answer that question, I decided to flip through the pages of Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Fan, Next Generation and more classic magazines that reviewed both of these fighters back when they first came out. Get ready to memorize combos and frame count, because this is going to be a brutal episode of Magazine Match-Up!
Electronic Gaming Monthly
United States
Winner: Tekken 2
Review Scores
Publication |
Scores |
Tekken 2 |
8.5/10 |
Virtua Fighter 2 |
8.25/10 |
When it comes to the reviews of both Tekken 2 and Virtua Fighter 2, I think it's safe to say that the critics liked both fighters. In fact, every single magazine we're going to cover today recommended both games, with the scores being shockingly close between them. This is going to be, without a doubt, the single closest match-up yet. You certainly saw that in Electronic Gaming Monthly, where a quarter of a point separates the two games. Like I said, this is going to be a real nail-biter.
Let's kick things off with Virtua Fighter 2, which scored and average of 8.25 out of 10. Mike was impressed: “On top of the great graphics and good control, there are tons of options and modes. Virtua Fighter 2 allows the player to toggle between versions 2 and 2.1, turn the learning curve on or off, and you even have a choice between the original or background music. If you thought they wouldn't improve on the original Virtua Fighter, you were wrong.”
As it turns out, EGM liked Tekken 2 even more, giving it the slight edge with an average score of 8.5 out of 10. “Tekken 2 is the best 3D fighting game you can find for any system, and the PlayStation version is even better than the arcade game. Unlike the arcade game, each fighter has his or her own beautifully rendered ending. The polygon drop-out problems of the original are virtually non-existent in Tekken 2, and the fighters now swivel their heads to follow opponents.”
And with that, Tekken 2 draws first blood. But barely. Brace yourself for what will be a very close battle.
Game Fan
United States
Winner: Virtua Fighter 2
Review Scores
Publication |
Scores |
Tekken 2 |
97% |
Virtua Fighter 2 |
98% |
Things are just as tight over at Game Fan, where the two games are only one percentage point apart. This time we'll start with the Tekken 2 review, which received an impressive average of 97%. For his part, Cap'n Snappy explained his feelings about the popular genre. “Mmm ... fighting games. Where you beat people up. I was never a huge fan of fighting games before 3D stepped in ... I mean, who can really toss flaming spheres or survive a two-handed sword swipe? Virtua Fighter, and especially Tekken, however, have that realism ... and I love ‘em. Namco's incredible arcade conversion of Tekken 2 leaves nothing to be desired. If you are a PlayStation owner without Tekken 2, you should be Kuru Kuru Animal Punched to death!”
If you're looking for an even higher score, then Game Fan will not let you down. They tied up this match-up by giving Virtua Fighter 2 an even more impressive 98%. Stalker put it this way: “I declare Virtua Fighter 2 to be the best Sega game in years, if not ever. The jump in quality between the original Virtua Fighter and the sequel is a quantum leap beyond anything I could have expected. All the moves, all the gameplay, and all but a tiny bit of the incredible graphic punch is reproduced astoundingly well on Sega's monster console. If I didn't already own one, this game would be more than reason enough for me to buy a Saturn. Perfect!”
And with that, we once again are all tied up.
Next Generation
United States
Winner: Tie
Review Scores
Publication |
Scores |
Tekken 2 |
5/5 |
Virtua Fighter 2 |
5/5 |
If you're expecting Next Generation to break the tie, then prepare to be disappointed, because they gave both Tekken 2 and Virtua Fighter 2 a score of 5 out of 5. That's right, both are perfect in Next Gen's eyes. They described Sega's game this way: “While technical elements will amaze the toughest critic, what makes this game special is its accurate representation of 10 very distinct and realistic fighting styles. Never before has there been a fighting game where the competition is not about complex button combos or prerendered animated sequences, but rather about matching a true Drunken Master against an expert in the art of Praying Mantis Fist. Virtua Fighter 2 is an absolute must for all Saturn owners and a great reason to own a Saturn.”
When it came to Tekken 2, Next Generation chose to focus more on the extras than the gameplay. “And boy does it come with extras. In addition to a ridiculous number of playable characters, the game adds tournament modes, survival modes, and possibly best of all, a practice mode. Tekken 2 isn't perfect, but it's damn close, and chock full of interesting characters, humor and way-cool moves. It's the best 3D fighting game yet available on PlayStation.”
With both games earning the same score, Next Generation keeps the tie going for another round.
United Kingdom
Winner: Tie
Review Scores
Publication |
Scores |
Tekken 2 |
9/10 |
Virtua Fighter 2 |
9/10 |
Across the pond we have Next Generation's sister magazine, Edge, who has a reputation for being a bit of a contrarian. Maybe they'll help us break this tie. Nope. Once again, both games earned the same score – 9 out of 10. Edge absolutely gushed over Sega's fighting game, saying that “in many ways, Virtua Figther 2 is the ultimate technical showcase. It's a game with interesting characters, imaginative structure, and a long, long learning curve, that will keep players in front of the screen for months. It's also a game that fully supports each individual player, whatever skill level they are at, and it is so graphically stunning, it's almost as much fun to watch as it is to play. State of the art.”
Unsurprisingly, they also loved Tekken 2, calling it “a testament to Namco's comprehensive understanding of playability; depth combined with intuivity, realism combined with outlandish moves and impossible characters, innovation combined with timeless gaming principles. Although some may feel it is ironic that the greatest advances in video game technology are being made in the area of simulated violence, it is perhaps understandable. Few game concepts are simpler than two fighters competing in an arena, yet because of this surface simplicity, so much depth can be added. Consequently, Tekken 2 provides one of the most compulsive gaming experiences you could hope for.”
I bet you didn't expect the review to go in that direction, did you? We'll be right back after this brief commercial to see who breaks this tie.
Winner: Tekken 2
Review Scores
Publication |
Scores |
Tekken 2 |
95% |
Virtua Fighter 2 |
94% |
Leave it to our friends down under to choose a winner in the Virtua Fighter 2 vs. Tekken 2 match-up. While it was an incredibly tight battle, with only one percentage point separating the two games, Hyper was able to pick a winner. Let's start with Virtua Fighter 2, which they gave a score of 94% and called it “a game to get right into. While so many of today's beat ‘em ups look vastly different, there's actually not a lot between them. Virtua Fighter 2 though offers incredible depth. The hard work you'll need to invest is never a painful slog, instead, you'll get a handle on something new. Each session is an intense learning experience that motivates you to go the extra distance instead of leaving you drained and bored like some other games tend to. I can put it another way if you like – Virtua Fighter 2 is a beautiful game.”
Sure, it's beautiful, but how did it compare to Tekken 2? Thankfully, Hyper spends part of their Tekken review stacking it against both Virtua Fighter 2 and Toshinden 2. “Toshinden 2 is the fastest of the three, unfortunately its over dependency on a few special moves makes for a less interesting game all around. Virtua Fighter II has worn the crown for ages now ... its amazing array of moves for each character set it apart from anything we'd seen. At the end of the day, though, Virtua Fighter II had to step down from the throne, Tekken 2 just has too many characters, moves and options for any other game to come close.”
With a score of 95%, Tekken 2 once again takes the lead. But can it last?
Computer & Video Games
United Kingdom
Winner: Virtua Fighter 2
Review Scores
Publication |
Scores |
Tekken 2 |
4/5 |
Virtua Fighter 2 |
97% |
You know how I keep stressing how close the reviews are? Well, that's certainly not the case when it comes to Computer & Video Games. Thanks to a complete overhaul of the scoring system, there's a surprising gulf between these scores. I guess we should start with Virtua Fighter II, which earned a score of 97% in CVG's 170th issue. “I must confess, I had my doubts AM2 could do it, but the conversion is simply staggering. Every move, every frame of character animation, the detail of the fighters, it's all just perfect. And you will not believe how fast and fluid the gameplay is. It makes Virtua Fighter look like a shuffling, inadequate antique. The best game ever.”
Now, five issues later, Computer & Video Games had switched from a 100-point percentage style to a simple 5-point scale. As a result, Tekken 2 earned a score of 4 out of 5, which is more or less the equivalent of an 80%. That means that Virtua Fighter 2 takes it by a mile, or however that converts in kilometers. “To sum it up, Tekken 2 PlayStation is an excellent game, and an absolutely incredible conversion, but it loses the magic because of these undeniable faults. I'd feel guilty recommending a game unconditionally, which I know I won't be playing in a few months' time.”
And once again, we're all tied up. And with only one magazine left, anything can happen.
VideoGames: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine
United States
Winner: Tekken 2
Review Scores
Publication |
Scores |
Tekken 2 |
10/10 |
Virtua Fighter 2 |
9/10 |
The final magazine we're going to look at today is the incredibly boastful Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine. The good news is that they definitely preferred one over the other. Which game is it? Let's start out with Virtua Fighter 2, which they gave a strong score of 9 out of 10. They raved that “the shortcomings of the Saturn version are few. The polygon count is lower and the backgrounds are no longer 3D. But, the good news is that the framerate has maintained its level, and the playability has been tarnished not a bit.”
Only four months later, it was Tekken 2's time in the spotlight. Could Namco beat Sega's 9 out of 10? I mean, that's a pretty damn good score. But you know what they gave it? That's right, a perfect 10 out of 10. “Tekken is considered by many to be the ultimate fighting game. Many Sega fans will argue that Virtua Fighter 2 is better, but they said Sonic was better than Mario, too. If there was any doubt before about which game was king of the beat em ups, it will be banished forever by the arrival of Tekken 2. This is the most value-packed, action-filled game available on PlayStation – or any other machine, for that matter. Cool new characters, including a schoolgirl, a dinosaur and a kangaroo add to the value of this gaming feast, and we simply can't recommend it highly enough. We can't stop playing it, either.”
And with that, Tekken 2 takes it. Though, not by much. This was certainly not a runaway, like some of the other match-ups. We're talking about razor margins from most of the magazines, I don't think Virtua Fighter 2 fans should feel bad. It was a strong showing for both games. And that's another Magazine Match-Up in the books.