Superman: The Man of Steel Reviewed by Adam Wallace on . Rating: 20%

Superman: The Man of Steel

Remember when I reviewed the game based on The Flash which released on the Sega Master System? The biggest problem I had with that game was that, while it played fast, the levels weren't designed for playing fast. Now, imagine taking that game, cutting the player down to just one life and one continue, and making the protagonist as fragile and useless as a glass hammer. What you get is Superman: The Man of Steel on the Sega Master System.

Like the other 8-bit Superman games I've covered, there is a set-up but no actual plot. Brainiac captured Lois Lane, and Metropolis is in chaos. Yadda-yadda-yadda. Is it REALLY that hard to come up with an actual story for these games??? I guess the reason the story thing irks me so much is that it would've made braving through this game more tolerable if there was a narrative pay-off at the end like with the Ninja Gaiden games on the NES. Without a purpose, getting through a level in this game is completely unfulfilling.

Superman: The Man of Steel (Sega Master System)Click For the Full Picture Archive

Getting through a level in this game is not only unfulfilling, but it's also next to impossible because the game design is almost broken. I say "almost broken" because the controls are manageable. One button jumps, and the other button attacks. If you jump while holding up on the d-pad, you fly. Attacks on the ground are punches; heat vision is used in the air. The controls work well enough.

Unfortunately, the rest of the game design is utter garbage. As fast as Kal-El can move, all the enemies can move faster. They are guaranteed to hit you first. If you're flying, one hit sends you back to the ground. While flying would seem like a good way to pass the enemies on the ground, you're guaranteed to get hit by shots by an auto-cannon within three seconds. It only takes about five hits to die. So much for being "The Man of Steel". You get only one continue. With perseverance, one could get through the game, but with no narrative drive, the aggravation just is not justified.

As least the game looks decent. The characters are well-drawn and animated, and the game moves fast (TOO fast). The music and sound effects are decent, though I noticed something weird. Some sounds are missing. I heard nothing when I killed and enemy, but there were plenty of sounds for enemies hitting me. Was that some symbolism on the part of the developers?

Superman: The Man of Steel is kryptonite, period. While it looks decent and controls well enough, the design was made to piss me off. There are much better Superman games out there on other systems. On the Sega Master System, though, just stick to The Flash.