Super Puzzle Fighter II X Reviewed by Cyril Lachel on . Rating: 85%

Super Puzzle Fighter II X

When I first played Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo for Sony's PlayStation I was blown away. Not only was the game simple and easy to play, but it was incredibly cute, bordering on adorable. So now that I see it on the Dreamcast, is the love still there?

Absolutely. The game will likely be dull to the Western gamers unable to use the netlink games, but as a one (and two) player game Super Puzzle Fighter II X works as a Dreamcast puzzler.

I was slightly let down in the port, though. While the game looks and plays wonderfully, it looks almost exactly the same here as it does on Sony's 32-bit PlayStation. This, in my opinion, just shouldn't be.

Even though the graphics aren't better Capcom did deliver in a few other areas. New to this game is the configuration of your drop pattern, a significant improvement. In the old versions of this game each character had their own drop pattern, well, not any more. This way you can play as Dan and NOT have to lose.

Also new to the series is the ability to play it in three entirely different modes. Two are more like Columns for the Genesis, or Dr. Mario for the N.E.S. And then there is the classic Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo mode. All three are unique, and I'm glad for the variety. Good show.

If you already own Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo for the PlayStation there is no reason to pick this import up, but if you've never played the series before then there's no question about it. A must own puzzle game, no matter what system it's on.