Somer Assault Reviewed by Chad Reinhardt on . Rating: 64%

Somer Assault

This is definitely a unique experience. In these enlightened times many of us have become so cynical in regard to the rather limited variety of genres to explore, we sometimes disregard anything deemed "innovative", simply because the term innovative almost already defines the type of experience at hand. While there aren't, or weren't, any types of games quite like this, that alone does not a great game make.

The basic idea behind Somer Assault deals with a worm/slinky creature that wanders through maze-like levels aiming to inevitably defeat the maze's boss. The way which your creature moves it what sets this one apart; sticking to walls and ceilings with a blatant disregard for Newtonian physics! Getting a firm grasp of the controls takes a little bit of time, but it isn't by any means a deterring factor.

You must, naturally, contest with a bevy of enemies along the way, including chess pieces, and the obligatory floating orb monster. While they fire at you, you can, thankfully, return the favor.

Where this fresh concept starts to flounder is in the repetitive looking and all around frustrating level design. Granted, they are mazes, but you've no map, or the ability to locate a map along the way, and you must do a lot of back-tracking in your attempt to sock it to the boss. There are also occasional teleporters along the way, which give you no indication of their destination. The fact that some of these teleporters will send you all the way back to the beginning may, in itself, be enough for some to stop playing. After spending god knows how long trying to find the end, only to be cast back to the beginning is absurd.

The music is pretty decent, with a middle- Eastern inspired sound; it never gets on your nerves ...unless of course you just spent the last half-hour looking for the boss only to find a teleporter that sends to back to square one. I don't think any music in the world could ease your disgruntled soul after a brash move like that.

While the concept and execution of Somer Assault are definitely distinct, the overall experience prevents it from being a classic.