Not many companies have been around as long as Konami has. With twenty years in the pocket and dozens of classic game franchises, Konami is not in any danger of ruin. But you can't help but wonder what it would be like if Konami took after such companies as Capcom, Sega, SNK, and even Nintendo, and had their best loved characters fight it out ... TO THE DEATH!
What's that? A Death match? You bet. Not to be out done by Fighters Mega Mix, Capcom vs. SNK, King of Fighters, and even Super Smash Brothers, Konami brings you ...
KONAMILAND: Tournament Fighters
As you can tell from the picture above, we have snuck a picture of this game. It appears to be mainly focussing on classic characters, but there are some new characters that NEED to be seen! Of course we haven't played the game yet, but here's our predictions of how the match ups will add up.
No, not Meryl or Solid Snake ... but Metal Gear, from Snatchers. This little robot is seriously good for nothing more than being a phone machine. And even that that, it was a taxing problem. So this little beast, this Metal Gear, really puts down the name "Metal Gear" ... but nonetheless, it was would be a travesty not to put him in the game.
Alucard, the son of Dracula, first made his appearance in CastleVania III, on the NES. And since then he has become a staple of the CastleVania library. With a kick ass sword, and some of the greatest moves of all time, Alucard should have no probably shredding the competition.
Metal Gear's spy has the moves, hes the cool, as the secrecy, and has the weapon ... but most importantly, he has the mullet. With a dart gun, and a card board box, in tow, Solid Snake is ready to disappear in any level he's pitted in.
So Contra has only gone downhill in the last few years, everybody knows that ... but of anybody, who is going to kick more ass? He's been through four attacks on Earth, and even some attacks on other planets! Though usually with a cooperative partner, our hero will have to wing it solo in this battle to the death!
Simon isn't as cool as Alucard, even if he was fighting Dracula years earlier. Entrusted with the whip he has used to fight monsters in almost every CastleVania game, Simon is ready to take that experience and destroy whoever comes even close to him. His only downside is that he's not very mobile, and really sluggish.
Both of the two characters from Poy Poy (Poitter's Point) are speedy, versatile, and able to pick up things three times their size. These characters aren't widely known, but since Poy Poy is one of my favorite party games, I see no reason why they shouldn't represent!
The mystical ninja has always been more popular with Eastern markets, but is ready to prove his worth against the other contestants. Best known in the U.S. for the poor selling Legend of the Mystical Ninja for the Super NES, Konami has actually released many games based on this theme. Armed with his Chinese yo-yo, and ninja stars, Goemon is really a lot faster than strong, and can use that to his advantage ... at least until he gets a big robot.
Alright alright alright ... the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles weren't created by Konami, and outside of a pretty interesting marketing agreement, they shouldn't even be considered. However, both of the arcade games that Konami made based off of these four turtles were complete experiences. And while Raphael wasn't the best fighter from the comic book, I would say he's the loner, and the most in need of getting away from the other three.
Ash is an unlikely choice ... but since Vandal Hearts is one of Konami's lost treasures, I felt it was necessary to include him. From what I remember of Vandal Hearts, Ash is a pretty powerful character, and I can only hope that it brings in the fans of the RPG/Strategy games, as well as the fighting fans.
As far as possums go, Sparkster, from Rocket Knight Adventures and Sparkster, is the coolest, most heavily armored of them all. Why does this matter? It won't if he can't stay awake. And just as long as he doesn't get anywhere around a tree, Sparkster will kick much tail!
While not heavily armored, Meryl is ready to kick just as much ass as Solid Snake and the rest of Metal Gear. Meryl has the look, and the knowledge to get out of any rough situation, but has proven in the past that she isn't vunerable.
And if all this greatness isn't enough, two of the boss characters are from SunSoft's Waku Waku 7 game. Why? Because they aren't doing anything, and I always wanted to see Solid Snake go against that pick Pokemon-Marshmellow thing! Regardless, I hope this helps your office pool.