Defunct Games Warning Stickers

Have you ever said to yourself, "Jeez, I wish somebody would have warned me about how bad this is." Oh, sure ... magazines review the games, but who trusts those? So why not pick up the Official Defunct Games BE WARNED Stickers!! This way you can stick them on the games that are some of the worst games ever so other people don't buy them.

While you're looking for Tactics Ogre at your local Toys R Us, you can use these handy stickers to guide potential buyers as far away from these games as possible. How affective would it have been if somebody had put a sticker of that new Star Wars GameBoy Advance game?

And I don't think anybody is going to argue that Mortal Kombat Advance doesn't need this sticker!! There are games that are lame, but worthwhile if only for a short period of time. This sticker is for the games that are the equivalent of a video game venereal disease!! So give us a call at 1-800-555-YUCK and we'll mail you out your own set of warning stickers. Protecting Gamers from never being suckered again.

(Note: Phone number does not work, and Defunct Games does not endorse putting stickers on packaging. In fact, now that we think about it, it might get you banned from your local Toys R Us. But if you're like this Defunct Editor, you have a ton of stores that sell crappy games around your place. But anyway, don't call looking for stickers, we don't have them.)