World Heroes vs. Samurai Shodown

SNK has made itself some money off of reusing characters, but then again, that's nothing new. SNK, however, was among the first to cross promote their characters. Characters from games like Fatal Fury, Ikari Warriors, and Art of Fighting all ganged up to fight each other in King of Fighters . and since then there has been one just about every year now.

But two games that get very little attention, oddly enough, are Samurai Shodown and World Heroes. Well, fear not. These two titans are about to get themselves into a world of hurt. As you can see from the pictures above, characters from Samurai Shodown 2 are duking it out with our favorites from World Heroes.

Thanks to modern technology, you will also be able to fight your heroes (or samurais) in a death match arena, or a regular level. Both feature interactive backgrounds, as well as a guy who runs by with food, drinks, points, and bombs.

Even though nobody knows the outcome of each battle, I'm still putting my money on the Samurai Shodown characters.