How Street Fighter 1 Should Have Ended

Pop Quiz: I bet you can't tell me how the original Street Fighter ends.

Oh sure; you call yourself an expert at Street Fighter II, but you can't even tell me how the original 1987 game ends. The reason you can't remember how Street Fighter ends is because it's unremarkable in every way possible. It's little more than a series of mug shots and one paragraph of boring text. See for yourself ...

See, nothing but boring text. All that for the distinction of "King of the Hill"? And even then, Ryu is reminded not to rest or celebrate his glory, he must always be training. What a terrible, terrible ending. This is how Street Fighter 1 should have ended ...

Or you could do it Capcom's way, where we keep getting these boring endings where Ryu is denied his celebration. No matter how many times the poor guy succeeds, he's never able to get that release he desperately seeks. No wonder his fireballs are blue.