After Thoughts: The Legend of Zelda

After surviving Dino Crisis, Silent Hill and Devil May Cry, Jake is looking for something a little more lighthearted. Hopefully he'll be happy with his newest stop, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. But Jake shouldn't be too comfortable in his colorful environment, because he's going to be busy looking at all of the wacky footage from Nintendo's New York City launch. You'll see Reggie, you'll see Mario, you'll see strong men, and you'll see ... Army of Two? Okay, so not everything in this episode is Nintendo related, but it might as well be. If you're one of those people who don't think Nintendo fans are crazy, then you should definitely check this episode out and see if it changes your mind. Hopefully Jake enjoys his time in the world of Hyrule, because I have a funny feeling he won't be there very long!

NOTES: This is the kind of show that would not be possible if it weren't for a few nice people out there. Since we stole so much footage from their sites, I would like to thank GameSpot and for being such good sports. I also appreciate that they continue to release cheesy videos that are ripe for the picking. I would also like to thank Nintendo for releasing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I would also like to thank Electronic Arts for demonstrating how stupid Army of Two is months before I was planning on buying it. Thanks two its two-player co-op support I was pretty psyched about it, but after watching the newest trailer I have a hunch I can do without it. Thanks Electronic Arts. Part of me feels bad that we won't have another major launch for years, with all of the game sites covering the events it was easy for me to put these After Thoughts together. Somebody needs to come up with a new system and launch it, perhaps a mega-sized Phantom launch? Okay, maybe not. Anyway, thank you for watching, tune in next time to see what game Jake ends up in.