Turn Off the TV: Chuck vs. The Truth

Prepare to be underwhelmed by NBC's Monday night line-up!
When it comes to debunking rumors and misinformation we're not used to looking at network television shows. Sure we make fun of magazines and podcasts, but all that can be lumped into the video game category. When TV shows fail at getting the facts right it's usually only once, and even then it's often a simple mistake that isn't worth making a big deal about. But NBC's Chuck is different. This hour-long action/comedy has told so many lies about video games (specifically Missile Command) that we feel that it would be criminal not to proclaim: They Said WHAT?!?

Instead of using our standard text format, we've decided to take a big step into the 21st century and offer up a short video clip that shows you just how far off the mark writer Phil Klemmer is when it comes to video games. What's odd is that Chuck is generally pretty good at portraying video games; however there were just too many factual problems about this episode to let it slide. To fans of the show and those who don't even own a television, I offer you a fact-based discussion about this week's episode of Chuck.

NOTES: What the hell was that Life video? I can think of at least five things that are wrong with that clip. What, you don't believe me? Fine, here's the list: 1) Was it really necessary to suggest that the gamer is a 30 year old loser that lives with his parents and love Star Trek? 2) Who pretends to play a controller when they're watching somebody else play? 3) Prince of Persia is not a game you can load off of the Hard Drive, as they suggest in the clip. 4) Prince of Persia doesn't really have "levels", per se. 5) What's with the font on the screen? 6) Why does the gate hope up to a spread sheet program? 7) We live in the 21st century, surely there's somebody on staff that has played a game and can show you how ridiculous this is. 8) Both Life and Chuck are on NBC ... who I want to thank, because without them I wouldn't have a 17 minute long video to show you.