The Top 25 Virtual Console Games of 2012

2012 was the year SNK Playmore reminded everybody that the Neo Geo was a thing. It was the year Sega dusted off Super Hang-On and imported Monster World IV. Capcom delivered their first online-enable Wii game and Strider Hiyru finally made his long overdue appearance. Best of all, this was a year when Nintendo finally broke the trend and actually released more old school classics (a 38% increase over 2011). I think it's safe to say that 2012 was a pretty good year.

So what was the best Virtual Console release of 2012? Was it one of SNK's many fighting games, Capcom's lone Mega Man release or the silky smooth animation of Prince of Persia? I have assembled a video to answer that very question. Tune in below for the Top 25 Virtual Console Games of 2012. See where your favorite game landed.

But wait ... our job isn't over just yet! Tune in next Monday to watch me count down the top 36 3DS Virtual Console games of 2012. Think the Wii list got contentious? Wait until I have to pick between Ninja Gaiden, Wario Land 2, The Legend of Zelda, Toki Tori and Dr. Mario. Who will win our game of the year? (Hint: It won't be Dr. Mario!)

Instead of just sitting there and waiting, perhaps you should swing over to my 2011 list -- Wii Virtual Console GOTY: Deathbed Edition. Want to go even further back? You're in luck, because I have the Top 83 Virtual Console Games of 2008 on my YouTube channel. You read that correctly, there were 83 games that year. Let's see if 2013 can match those highs.