This Week in Defunct Games - Sept. 10, 2009

Every Thursday Defunct Games wants to take a moment and reflect on all of the classic games that were given new life. Thanks to video game compilations, Nintendo's Virtual Console, the Xbox Live Arcade, DSiWare, WiiWare and even the PlayStation 3, fans of retro games are able to find all sorts of crazy old games. But what games are good? How well have these games held up? Which ones should you spend your money on? That's where This Week In Defunct Games comes in! Every week we plan on looking at the best and worst of this week's retro games, including classic titles for the NES, Neo Geo, Genesis and more. This week we complete the original Super Star Wars trilogy with (SURPRISE!) Super Return of the Jedi. As good as these games were, I'm glad we can finally stop talking about these early LucasArts games. Also be ready for DSi haikus and a Contra Rebirth limerick. All that and more can be yours in another exciting episode of This Week in Defunct Games!

Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (LucasArts)
[ Virtual Console - 800 Points/$8 - Super NES - 1995 ]
What Is It? After releasing both Super Star Wars and Super Empire Strikes Back, it was inevitable that Nintendo would eventually upload Super Return of the Jedi. As a fan of the original and an admirer of the second, I'm a little lukewarm when it comes to this Ewok-infused third installment. The game still has good graphics and easy to master gameplay, but a part of me felt like I was simply going through the motions. We get a number of Return of the Jedi-inspired levels and boss fights, but some of the game has absolutely nothing to do with the movie. You also have to deal with a punishing difficulty, including one of the hardest 16-bit boss battles I've ever come across. Fans of the movie will no doubt want to see how this trilogy ends, but I feel like maybe two games was my limit for this series. Still, the graphics are sharp and there's a lot of game here.

Does It Still Hold Up? Super Return of the Jedi doesn't deviate much from Super Empire Strikes Back. You get the same controls, the same vehicle levels, the same power-ups, the same everything. It's really disappointing; I wish they would have used the opportunity to make some significant changes to Super Return of the Jedi. But, like the most recent movie prequels, LucasArts knew they could half-ass it knowing that people would buy anything with "Star Wars" in the title. I was hoping for more.

Is It Worth The Money? If you're the type of person who beat the second game and wanted more of the same, then Super Return of the Jedi is for you. Everybody else may want to cautiously wait to see what Nintendo uploads next week. There is such thing has having too much of a good thing, and my fill of this franchise came towards the end of Super Empire Strikes Back. But be warned, Star Wars fans, this will likely be the final half-decent Star Wars game released on the Virtual Console.

WiiWare Limerick Theater

Every week Nintendo announces their new Virtual Console offerings. But what you may not know is that they also announce the newest games for the Wii's specialized WiiWare channel. This is the place where you can download cheap smaller games, the type of titles you would only pay a few dollars for. Thus far we haven't spent much time covering these hidden gems, but today that's going to end. Starting today we're going to cover the WiiWare line-up just as we would any other section. To keep things consistent, we have decided to post all WiiiWare reviews in the form of a limerick. This week we take a look at Contra Rebirth, a brand new must-own 2D Contra games. Oh, and ColorZ also showed up, whatever that is!

Contra Rebirth (Konami)
[ Genre: Action - Price: 1000 Points/$10 ]

There once was a soldier named Bill who lived his life for the thrill. He'd strangle a guard and shoot a robot from across the yard, but these days he's a champion of the grill!

ColorZ (Exkee)
[ Genre: Puzzle - Price: 700 Points/$8 ]

This game is "Color" with a "Z", which should immediately make you want to flee. You look like a mess when you don't use the "S", and I'll give you that spelling lesson for free!

The Great DSiWare Haiku

Not content with the Virtual Console and WiiWare, Nintendo has decided to offer up a THIRD avenue for downloading games. That's right, it's the DSiWare, and it's the best (and only) way to download games to your brand new Nintendo DSi. Each week we take a look at Nintendo's uploads through the form of poetry. Haiku, to be exact. Will this reviews help your purchase of DSiWare games? Nah, but they're a lot of fun to read. This week we check in with the Clubhouse Games Express to rap about their Family Favorites!

Clubhouse Games Express: Family Favorites (Nintendo)
[ Genre: Puzzle - Price: 500 Points/$5 ]

Family-friendly games!
It's a first for Nintendo!
No really, it is!

Want more game related haikus? You get that and more at my daily Twitter Feed!