January 2019

January 29, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: Scintillatron 4096
While I liked the slower and more methodical approach to the dual-stick shoot 'em up genre, I found myself frustrated by the tiny bullets and repetitive progression. I also wish the enemy designs were...

January 28, 2019 Game Over
Story Breakdown: Mickey Mouse's Illusion Series (Sega)
Episode #44 - This is the week of Kingdom Hearts III, the long-awaited sequel that brings Disney's most popular cartoons face-to-face with Final Fantasy. With Mickey Mouse once again headlining games, I wanted to t...

January 25, 2019 Know the Game
Shoot 'Em Up or Heavy Metal Band?
Episode #2 - Defunct Games presents Know the Game, a new series where we attempt to learn more about Lorne Riseley by asking him inane questions about old school video games. In this episode, Cyril wants to know i...

January 24, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: FutureGrind
FutureGrind has the makings for a great extreme sports franchise, but is missing some of what made OlliOlli and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater so addictive. While the short stages and focused structure keeps ...

January 23, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: The Hong Kong Massacre
The Hong Kong Massacre an absolute treat for John Woo and shoot 'em up fans alike. This is a stylish action game full of diverse stages, exhilarating shootouts, criminal underworld intrigue and more s...

January 22, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: Fight of Gods
When the game is about Jesus fighting Santa Claus, I think it's safe to say that you know what you're getting. Fight of Gods is appropriately goofy, all while being a surprisingly solid fighting game ...

January 21, 2019 Game Over
Story Breakdown: Prince of Persia (Sega CD)
Episode #43 - Like the sands of time, I want you to forget about the last three decades of Prince of Persia sequels, spin-offs and reboots. Let go of The Fallen King, The Forgotten Sands and, most importantly, Jake...

January 18, 2019 Know the Game
Metal Gear Character or Sex Position?
Episode #1 - Defunct Games presents Know the Game, a new series where we attempt to learn more about Lorne Riseley by asking him inane questions about old school video games. In this debut episode, Cyril wants to ...

January 17, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: Omensight: Definitive Edition
Don't let the performance and technical issues keep you away from Omensight: Definitive Edition, because this little Switch game offers an epic story with a truly unique structure. The conceit is so c...

January 15, 2019 Game Over
Story Breakdown: Ecco the Dolphin (Genesis)
Episode #42 - After spending 2018 writing reviews and recreating Electronic Gaming Monthly's Best & Worst Award ceremonies, I did something I haven't done in a long time -- I took a vacation. I spent nearly a full ...

January 10, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: Atari Flashback Classics
Even if you have nostalgia for the 150 arcade and console games found in this collection, Atari Flashback Classics is bound to disappoint. It's a barebones package that lacks a lot of the games that m...

January 09, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: Hellfront: Honeymoon
Although it doesn't look like much and has a horrendously awful name, Hellfront: Honeymoon is a surprisingly fast and fun real-time strategy game with some original ideas. It's the kind of game that i...

January 08, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: Battle Princess Madelyn
Battle Princess Madelyn is a game I desperately want to love. There are parts of this 2D action game that I absolutely adore, including the diverse stages, incredible bosses and charming characters. B...

January 07, 2019 Game Over
Story Breakdown: Kabuki - Quantum Fighter (NES)
Episode #41 - Kabuki: Quantum Fighter is a game that should have been huge. It had intense action, inventive level designs, a cinematic story and a premise that is a lot deeper than you might expect. It was also a ...

January 04, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: Planet RIX-13
As both an adventure game and a debut release from 9 Eyes Game Studio, Planet RIX-13 is a solid effort. It's not especially original, the story isn't as compelling as it could be and it will take you ...

January 03, 2019 Reviews au Courant
Review: RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures
RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures starts off strong, but it won't take long for the game's many problems to show up. While I like the welcoming atmosphere and touchscreen controls, I found the game to b...