October 2002

October 28, 2002 On Running Feuds
Nintendo's Department of Redundancy Department
Episode #26 - This Feud is all about the "ONLY FOR" logos found on just about every Game Boy Advance game. Are they needed? What other portable would they be on? Find out the answers to these questions...

October 25, 2002 Reviews Au Courant
Review: GunGrave
Like the Rock, Con Air, and countless other action movies, Sega's newest action game is loud, violent, and exciting, but lacks depth. But is that all bad? Can style make up for substance? ...

October 07, 2002 On Running Feuds
Nintendo - Pan & Scan vs. Widescreen
Episode #25 - If there's one thing I hate it's movies edited to fit my screen, Pan & Scan is not my friend! Yet that's exactly what Nintendo is doing with their Game Boy Advance box art. Don't we deserve to get t...

October 06, 2002 The Cover Critic
Some Pretty Good Looking Games, With Good ...
Episode #40 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Spyro, Entery the Dragonfly, ...

October 03, 2002 The Cover Critic
Cover This
Episode #39 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Marvel vs Capcom 2, Metal Gea...