October 2009

October 30, 2009 Reviews au Courant
Review: Obscure: The Aftermath
Just in time for Halloween, Defunct Games is proud to offer a review of scary game. We could have gone with the Saw game or even Ju-on: The Grudge, but instead we opted for Playlogic's PSP port of Ob...

October 29, 2009 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - October 29, 2009
Episode #125 - If it's Thursday it's This Week in Defunct Games. After weeks of disappointing games, Nintendo has listened to my complaints and uploaded one of Konami's very best 16-bit games. And that's not all, ...

October 28, 2009 Reviews au Courant
Review: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
With its confusing title and convoluted storyline, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days has a lot going against it. Throw in some terrible pacing issues, awkward control scheme, repeating levels, dull character...

October 27, 2009 Reviews au Courant
Review: Brutal Legend
Brutal Legend merges action and real-time strategy, two genres that couldn't be any further apart. It also throws in some racing, a little role-playing, a healthy dose of adventure and creates one of...

October 26, 2009 Worst Game Ever
Episode #4 - WORST GAME EVER (Ep. 4) - It's time once again for another terrible, horrible, no good entry in our WORST GAME EVER contest! This time around we take your breath away ... literally! It's HALO 3 COPD...

October 23, 2009 On Running Feuds
Is Nintendo's Virtual Console Broken?
Episode #167 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 167) - I pose this simple question: Is Nintendo's Virtual Console Broken? If not, then why am I no longer excited about this classic game download service? Where are ...

October 22, 2009 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - October 22, 2009
Episode #124 - If it's Thursday it's This Week in Defunct Games, the one and only show dedicated to reviewing this week's retro releases. Why is Nintendo having such a hard time finding quality games for the Virtua...

October 21, 2009 They Said WHAT?!?
GamePro's Action/Adventure in Distortion
Episode #35 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 35) - It's time once again for another exciting episode of Defunct Games vs. GamePro ... I mean, They Said WHAT?!? In this episode we try to figure out why...

October 19, 2009 Reviews au Courant
Review: Wet
It has clunky controls, a cheesy story, hammy acting and crummy visuals. And I loved every minute of Wet. With over-the-top action and some creative flourishes, Wet has a lot going for it. It may n...

October 18, 2009 Reviews au Courant
Review: The Warriors: Street Brawl
Five years ago Rockstar Games stunned the critics with their amazing retelling of The Warriors. Here we are in 2009 and the publisher is back with a brand new Xbox Live Arcade game. Unfortunately Th...

October 08, 2009 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - October 8, 2009
Episode #123 - When it's Thursday it's This Week in Defunct Games, the show that looks at the best and worst in this week's retro releases. This week we take a trip back to the original Final Fantasy, enlist in the...

October 07, 2009 They Said WHAT?!?
In the Future: GamePro Predicts 1999
Episode #34 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 34) - Fifteen years ago GamePro decided to do the impossible and predict the future. With eight decisive guesses, they nailed down where they thought we would be in t...

October 05, 2009 Reviews au Courant
Review: Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Dissidia: Final Fantasy manages to marry at least two completely disparate genres into one of the best games of the year. Not only is it exciting and full of fast-paced action, but it's also deep an...

October 01, 2009 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - October 1, 2009
Episode #122 - When it's Thursday it's This Week in Defunct Games, the show that looks at the best and worst in this week's retro releases. This week we hold our nose and review the arcade version of Altered Beast ...