October 2011

October 31, 2011 Game Expectancy
Castlevania: When Will Simon Belmont Die?
Episode #2 - Have you ever wondered how old your favorite video game character will be when they die? Defunct Games puts that question to the test. By studying the lives of gaming's biggest stars, we are able...

October 30, 2011 Review - WonderSwan
Review: Makaimura
Just in time for Halloween, Tom Lenting gives us his take on Makaimura. You may know this game as Ghosts 'n Goblins, one of the most celebrated 8-bit games of all time. Does Tom like it as much as t...

October 30, 2011 Weekend Update
Weekend Update (Oct. 30, 2011)
Episode #114 - BOO!! Just in time for Halloween, Tom Lenting offers two very scary reviews. When it comes to classic games we have both the TRICK and the TREAT! Up first we have Makaimura (Ghosts 'n Goblins) for ...

October 29, 2011 Review - NES
Review: Yoshi's Cookie
While everybody stuffs their face with Halloween candy, Tom Lenting has opted for cookies. Here he is taking a look at Yoshi's Cookie, one of the best puzzlers on the Nintendo Entertainment System. ...

October 28, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - October 28, 2011
Episode #176 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games! This week we only have time for one game, BurgerTime Deluxe. Join us as we get to the bottom of Peter Pepper's personal problems (say that three times...

October 28, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Dark Souls
Prepare to die! You might thing that Namco's newest role-playing game only exists to torment you. But look deeper and you'll discover that Dark Souls is one of the best adventure games in years. Wi...

October 27, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: The War of the Worlds
The War of the Worlds may not tell the most original story of the year, but it's a stylish action game full of exciting moments you won't soon forget. Sadly there are a few control issues and frustra...

October 25, 2011 Defunct Games Vs.
Defunct Games vs. SNK Minis 2
Episode #11 - Are you ready for another batch of SNK Minis? I hope so, because the father of the Neo Geo isn't waiting around for you to make up your mind. This is Defunct Games vs. SNK Minis 2, your special...

October 24, 2011 Game Expectancy
Final Fight: When Will Mike Haggar Die?
Episode #1 - Have you ever wondered how old your favorite video game character will be when they die? Defunct Games puts that question to the test. By studying the lives of gaming's biggest stars, we are able...

October 21, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - October 21, 2011
Episode #175 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games! This week we play a game of catch-up with the 3DS Virtual Console and PSN store. Up first we have Side Pocket, Catrap and Double Dragon for the Ninten...

October 20, 2011 They Said WHAT!?!
Future of Harmonix: First-Person Shooters?
Episode #43 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 43) - Meet Patrick Sauer, contributing editor at Fast Company. Patrick thinks that he knows how to fix Harmonix. Unfortunately his solution involves the Rock Band cr...

October 20, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Resident Evil 4 HD
In case you haven't heard: Resident Evil 4 is kind of a big deal. With its quick pacing, intriguing narrative and unbelievable graphics, this is one of Capcom's best games. This $20 PlayStation 3 po...

October 19, 2011 Bonus Levels
Neo Geo Station Max 330 Mega Guide
Episode #104 - Best known as the one and only 24-bit game system, SNK's Neo Geo was a home console/arcade unit that specialized in 2D shooters and fighting games. Thanks to the power of the internet, nostalgic game...

October 18, 2011 Guerilla Scrapbook
The Worst Arkham City Pre-Order Bonuses
Episode #54 - There's a lot to like about Batman: Arkham City! Unfortunately, there's one big thing to hate about this must-own game: The pre-order/store exclusive bonuses. With so many different exclusives to ch...

October 17, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Burnout Crash!
Burnout Crash is a fun little arcade-style action game marred by repetitive gameplay and simplistic graphics. Fans of the series may be confused by the new look, but the traditional crash mode gamepl...