February 2020

February 27, 2020 Reviews au Courant
Review: Hypergalactic Psychic Table Tennis 3000
Sometimes a silly concept will get you far, and that's definitely true of Hypergalactic Psychic Table Tennis 3000. By mixing Pong with traditional role-playing game mechanics, Blue Wizard Digital has ...

February 26, 2020 Reviews au Courant
Review: Lost Brothers
There are a lot of things I don't understand about Lost Brothers. I'm confused about the paper-thin story, the ugly alien world, the robotic dialog and why the hero drifts in one direction when standi...

February 19, 2020 Reviews au Courant
Review: Zombie Army 4: Dead War
Rebellion has cornered the market when it comes to fun sniper-themed action games, and Zombie Army 4: Dead War is no exception. This is a long game that is constantly throwing new types of bad guys at...

February 18, 2020 Reviews au Courant
Review: Giraffe and Annika
With a great story that is beautifully told, Giraffe and Annika should be the kind of game that appeals to everybody. Sadly, the easy difficulty and the simplistic fetch quests leave a lot to be desir...