February 2017

February 27, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Typoman Revised
If you missed out on the Wii U or Steam versions of Typoman, then this brand new PlayStation 4 and Xbox One port is certainly worth your time. That is, unless you hate word puzzles, then you should av...

February 24, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Forma.8
Forma.8 is a game I liked, but didn't love. There was clearly a lot of time and love put into this adventure, and I was impressed by its length and challenge. I can see this becoming a cult classic, e...

February 22, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Dystoria
While a little repetitive at times, Dystoria has a solid concept that benefits from great gameplay and a compelling science fiction story. It's lacking mission variety and the cheap deaths will frustr...

February 21, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Mall Empire
Although there is still a lot of work left to be done, Mall Empire has a strong foundation. I can see the developers taking the concept and adding more layers and depth, giving us a simulator we won't...

February 17, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Zangeki Warp
Although the graphics are a little plain and the difficulty spikes at the very end, I had a lot of fun fighting through the swarms of Bug-Eyed Monsters. Zangeki Warp has a cool gimmick that I want to ...

February 17, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: All the Delicate Duplicates
In an era when many first-person adventure games are meant to be terrifying, I like that All the Delicate Duplicates is more about blowing your mind with science than jump scares. This is incredibly e...

February 14, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Copoka
I suppose the good news is that the story is interesting, even if the gameplay and world isn't. I like Copoka's bright and colorful graphics, and the political turmoil is genuinely gripping. But this ...

February 13, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Sniper Elite 4
Sniper Elite 4 may be more of the same, but it improves on the theme enough to be a worthwhile sequel. The new stages are large and diverse, the story is more engaging, there's more variety to the kil...

February 09, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Alwa's Awakening
While it often treads on familiar ground, I can't deny the level of quality found in Alwa's Awakening. This is a lengthy adventure full of bosses to fight and secrets to unearth. I spent nine hours fi...

February 08, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Uncanny Valley
Despite the deliberate pace and simplistic look, I enjoyed the horror and mystery in Uncanny Valley. It has some great twists and turns, as well as an intriguing story you'll want to see through to th...

February 07, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Phoning Home
If you're able to look beyond some baffling technical issues and are willing to save frequently, you'll find an incredible adventure with two of the best new characters of the year. The alien world th...

February 03, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Double Dragon IV
As a fan of the series, this long-overdue follow-up left me completely cold. At best, Double Dragon IV recycles too many elements from previous installments, giving us a product that never feels fresh...

February 02, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: The Videokid
Much like the old school games that inspired it, The Videokid is a short and straight-forward action game where all you do is dodge obstacles and throw VHS tapes into mailboxes. It doesn't have any hi...

February 02, 2017 Reviews au Courant
Review: Mainlining
This is a game that took me by complete surprise. It doesn't have car chases or shootouts, but every element of spying is just as thrilling. It's a game where all you do is manipulate operating system...