March 2004

March 25, 2004 Top Ten List
G4's 10 Things to Deal with After the Big Merger (Broken)
Episode #57 - ...

March 24, 2004 The Notorious ABC's
B is for Bad
Episode #2 - With so few good "B" games, this episode of the Notorious ABC's should be a cinch. But what are the worst "B" games of all time? The games that aren't just a little horrible, but reeking of awful...

March 24, 2004 Reviews au Courant
Review: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3
After half a year of waiting, Rainbow Six 3 finally makes its appearance on the PlayStation 2. Problem is, in that time you should have just saved up for the Xbox version. Not only does this Tom Cla...

March 05, 2004 On Running Feuds
Is Death by Degrees Doomed?
Episode #39 - Death by Degrees isn't even out yet, but I'm here to tell you that it's doomed! In our 39th On Running Feud we take a look at the long list of action game spin offs to predict the future. Will we be...