March 2022

March 26, 2022 EGM Ranks
Electronic Gaming Monthly's Top 43 Sonic the Hedgehog Games
Episode #13 - Sonic is headed back to theaters next week for the sequel we've all been waiting for, and the excitement is palpable. With Edris Elba joining the cast as Knuckles and Miles 'Tails" Prowers partnering ...

March 25, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Don't be fooled by the overhead camera perspective and tiny characters, because Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands is a deep and involving extreme sports game that lets you hit the slopes as either...

March 24, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: Thunder Kid: Hunt for the Robot Emperor
Thunder Kid: Hunt for the Robot Emperor stands apart from the shoot 'em ups you normally see on home consoles. This is a throwback action game with outdated visuals, simplistic gameplay and a story st...

March 22, 2022 EGM Ranks
Electronic Gaming Monthly's Top 20 Batman Games
Episode #10 - As expected, The Batman cleaned up at the box office this weekend, taking home around $130 million in the U.S. alone. It seems that fans love it and the critics were impressed with Robert Pattinson's ...

March 22, 2022 EGM Ranks
Electronic Gaming Monthly's Top 20 Sega Master System Games
Episode #12 - In total, there were 120 Master System games released in North America between 1986 and 1991. Electronic Gaming Monthly reviewed ... 20 of them. Okay, so that's not very many, but considering that EGM...

March 18, 2022 Review Crew
QuByte Classics: 1990s Critics Review The Humans & The Immor...
Episode #127 - While everybody celebrates the announcement of the Capcom Fighting Collection and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection, QuByte has quietly been re-releasing some oft-forgotten classi...

March 17, 2022 Game Over
Story Breakdown: Wild Pilot (Arcade)
Episode #156 - Lately, I have been playing a lot of Wing Breakers, a new aerial combat/racing game that just came out of Steam Early Access after eight long years. It's a lot of fun, and reminds me of the racing gam...

March 16, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: Phantom Breaker: Omnia
Coming to the West for the first time in more than a decade, Phantom Breaker: Omnia proves to be worth the wait. With gorgeous graphics and wonderfully detailed character designs, this one-on-one figh...

March 15, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: Clouzy!
Part adventure game and part cloud clinic simulator, Clouzy is an unusual mixture of ideas that mostly come together to create a fun experience. Explore a floating island full of cartoony characters a...

March 14, 2022 EGM Ranks
Electronic Gaming Monthly's Top 13 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turt...
Episode #11 - In case you haven't heard, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back in The Cowabunga Collection, a comprehensive compilation that packages together all of the Turtle's console and arcade outings from...

March 11, 2022 Review Crew
Nintendo Switch Online: 1990s Critics Review F-Zero X on Nin...
Episode #126 - Only two weeks after releasing Majora's Mask, Nintendo is back with another classic game for the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack subscription service. Fasten your seatbelts, because today brings...

March 10, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: Splash Cars
I've heard of painting the town red, but this is ridiculous. Splash Car is an addictive new arcade-style action game where you drive around a black and white world filling it with color. Best in shor...

March 09, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: Pretty Girls Breakers
Who knew that 2022 would be the year of Breakout? Pretty Girls Breakers is a quirky new Breakout clone that sees anime women bouncing balls in order to break a bunch of colorful bricks. The conce...

March 08, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: What Lies in the Multiverse
A young boy and a grey-haired magician go on an epic adventure through the Multiverse of madness. No, I'm not talking about Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, but rather an incredible new platformer called W...

March 04, 2022 Game Over
Story Breakdown: Batman Returns (PC/MS-DOS)
Episode #155 - This weekend marks the triumphant return of the Bat, the Cat and the Penguin. Wait, why does that sound familiar? Perhaps it's because that was the tagline for Batman Returns, Tim Burton's 1992 s...

March 03, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: Shipwreck Escape
The luxury cruise liner you're on just crashed and is taking on water. What are you going to do? This is the instantly compelling concept at the center of Shipwreck Escape, a game that puts you i...

March 01, 2022 Reviews au Courant
Review: Race Condition
Race Condition is a throwback racing game done right. With a low-polygon look and a stripped-down approach, this racer is easy on the eyes and a lot of fun to play. It's also filled with a nice variet...