April 2002

April 26, 2002 On Running Feuds
Mr. Big's Other Career
Episode #13 - Mr. Big was one of the biggest bands of the 1980s, yet he's a character that showed up in more than a few cheesy action games. Find out who wins when we pit mister big hair vs. a real mister big!...

April 17, 2002 The Cover Critic
Difference Between Greatness and Blandess
Episode #32 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Zettai Zetsumei Toshi, Bloody...

April 02, 2002 The Cover Critic
The Seven Best Covers Covered Yet!!
Episode #31 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Wild Arms 3, Fur Fighters, Sh...