June 2002

June 25, 2002 The Cover Critic
All Relaxed, but Still a Little Bitter!!
Episode #36 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Run Like Hell, Way of the Sam...

June 17, 2002 On Running Feuds
Sega vs. UbiSoft: Fight of the Slogans!
Episode #18 - At E3 this year we noticed something very unusual, UbiSoft was essentially ripping Sega's old logo off. In our 18th episode of the On Running Feud we invite you to judge for yourself ... and then may...

June 12, 2002 On Running Feuds
The Battle for Shrek!
Episode #17 - This is the battle over Shrek, one of the biggest computer-generated movies of all time. This is an article that looks at the Xbox, McDonalds, and even Burger Kill ... all doing what they can to make...

June 02, 2002 The Cover Critic
Back from E3 with a Smile and a little Bitterness!!
Episode #35 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Grand Theft Auto, Vice City, ...