July 2001

July 25, 2001 The Cover Critic
A Very Special Capcom vs. SNK Cover Critic
Episode #7 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire...

July 23, 2001 On Running Feuds
Keeping Your Rare Portables Straight!
Episode #6 - There have been a lot of obscure portables released in the past 10 years; perhaps it's time for a refresher course so you can keep them all straight. This is our 6th episode of the On Running Feuds a...

July 21, 2001 The Cover Critic
Metal Slug slugs it out with a REAL Crisis!
Episode #6 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: City Crisis, War Jetz, Tweety...

July 15, 2001 The Cover Critic
Gran Turismo vs. Nascar ... Not a Hard Choice!
Episode #5 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Gran Turismo 3: A Spec, NASCA...

July 10, 2001 The Cover Critic
Escape From Who Wants to be a Millionaire!
Episode #4 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Escape from Monkey Island, To...

July 07, 2001 The Cover Critic
Hey, Don't Forget About Hot Potato
Episode #3 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: MX 2002, Fur Fighters, Bomber...

July 04, 2001 On Running Feuds
The Great RPG Wars!
Episode #5 - Square loves Nintendo. Square hates Nintendo. Now Square loves Sony. Square's partnering is right out of a daytime soap opera! In our 5th episode of the On Running Feuds we try to make sense of Sq...