August 2002

August 25, 2002 The Cover Critic
A Look at a few Recent Games!!
Episode #38 - These are the continuing adventures of The Cover Critic, the grumpy gamer who seems to hate every cover. This week one of these games tries to cheer up The Cover Critic: Star Fox Adventures, SOCOM, U...

August 23, 2002 On Running Feuds
Emeril vs. Bam! Entertainment
Episode #22 - BAM! Entertainment has released a number of high quality games lately, but I can't help but notice that their name is a little too close to Emeril's lame catchphrase. Could this be nothing more than ...

August 02, 2002 On Running Feuds
Square's Problem with Final Fantasy III
Episode #21 - Square hates Final Fantasy III. Of all the Final Fantasy games, this third game is still unavailable in English. There was a U.S. Final Fantasy III, but it was really Final Fantasy VI. So what's th...