August 2003

August 25, 2003 Service Gaming: the Show
Service Gaming: The Price Is Right
Episode #1 - Service Gaming: The Show (Ep. 1) - Defunct Games is proud to present our very first episode of our very first game show! Choose from one of three contestants and guess whether they got the answers ri...

August 23, 2003 Reviews au Courant
Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds
Buffy's second outing has a new cast of characters, a better story, loads of exciting weapons, and a lot of guilt-free action! So why does it remind me so much of the first game? ...

August 10, 2003 Player Select
Street Fighter II: the World Warriors
Episode #1 - Player Select (Ep. 1) - In the beginning there were only eight playable World Warriors, but as updates were released Capcom added more and more characters. By the time Super Street Fighter II Turbo ha...

August 10, 2003 I've Got Your Number
Only One Time Around for You
Episode #1 - I've Got Your Number (Ep. 1) - In our second episode of I've Got Your Number we take a look at the number 1, and it's Only One Time Around for You! Today we're talking about games that couldn't even ...

August 05, 2003 The Notorious ABC's
A is for Atrocious
Episode #1 - Bad games come in all shapes and sizes, but there's only one that has 52 bad games in one. And wouldn't you know it, that game houses a bad game in just about every genre you can think of. Welcome to...

August 05, 2003 I've Got Your Number
Capcom Proves Zero is a Number
Episode #0 - I've Got Your Number (Ep. 0) - Episode Zero?? In a first for Defunct Games, we've granted an episode zero to I've Got Your Number. This is an episode that shows how video game companies in...