August 2015

August 31, 2015 Reviews au Courant
Review: Stasis
Stasis is a smart and intriguing point and click adventure that merges science fiction and horror into one suspenseful package. Unfortunately, the game is marred by many of the problems common to old ...

August 31, 2015 Reviews au Courant
Review: Rememoried
Once you get past some of the obtuse puzzles, you'll discover that Rememoried is a rich and rewarding experience with a unique visual style. Unfortunately, too many puzzles involve annoying first-pers...

August 30, 2015 Online Pass
Online Pass: The Weekly Video Game News Quiz (August 30, 201...
Episode #6 - This is Online Pass, the weekly video game news quiz show. My name is Cyril Lachel and I'm going to ask you a series of questions based on some of the biggest news stories from the past week. It's you...

August 28, 2015 Review - Atari 2600
Review: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
Adam Wallace returns with a review of one of the most infamous games of all time. Could E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial have been salvaged? Find out when you read Adam's full review of E.T. on the At...

August 25, 2015 Reviews au Courant
Review: Calvino Noir
With its noir style and shadowy 2D visuals, Calvino Noir is the kind of game that should appeal specifically to me. But the awful gameplay and bad pacing kills the momentum. While the story and settin...

August 24, 2015 Defunct Games Decides
Should Capcom Reboot Gun.Smoke?
Episode #15 - The Wild West, bounty hunters and ... ninjas? Grab your six shooter and cowboy boots, because we're about to get dirty when we ask the all-important question: Should Capcom reboot Gun.Smoke?...

August 24, 2015 Reviews au Courant
Review: Grandia II: Anniversary Edition
While not as flashy as Final Fantasy or as original as Skies of Arcadia, this updated re-release is a testament to how much fun a well-crafted turn-based role-playing game can be. Grandia II: Annivers...

August 24, 2015 Reviews au Courant
Review: Shutshimi
A mix of Parodius and WarioWare, Shutshimi is an action-packed shoot-em-up where each level only lasts a few seconds. You never know what you'll see from one stage to the next. Sometimes you'll be ups...

August 23, 2015 Online Pass
Online Pass: The Weekly Video Game News Quiz (August 23, 201...
Episode #5 - This is Online Pass, the weekly video game news quiz show. My name is Cyril Lachel and I'm going to ask you a series of questions based on some of the biggest news stories from the past week. It's you...

August 20, 2015 Reviews au Courant
Review: RymdResa
With its calm soundtrack and deliberate pace, RymdResa is not going to appeal to everybody. But I enjoyed the leisurely approach and got sucked into the light role-playing mechanics. It's an endearing...

August 17, 2015 Defunct Games Decides
Should Namco Reboot Rolling Thunder?
Episode #14 - Albatross, Leila, and the fight against Geldra. Grab your jumping shoes and get ready to fight against international robot terrorism, because today we're asking the question: Should Namco reboot Rolli...

August 16, 2015 Online Pass
Online Pass: The Weekly Video Game News Quiz (August 16, 201...
Episode #4 - This is Online Pass, the weekly video game news quiz show. My name is Cyril Lachel and I'm going to ask you a series of questions based on some of the biggest news stories from the past week. It's you...

August 14, 2015 YOLO
You Only Live Once: Chariot Wars (Steam)
Episode #16 - Cyril Lachel returns with a brand new episode of YOLO, the show where you only live once. See how far he can get in Chariot Wars (Steam) without losing a single race....

August 09, 2015 Online Pass
Online Pass: The Weekly Video Game News Quiz (August 7, 2015...
Episode #3 - This is Online Pass, the weekly video game news quiz show. My name is Cyril Lachel and I'm going to ask you a series of questions based on some of the biggest news stories from the past week. It's you...

August 06, 2015 YOLO
You Only Live Once: 20XX (Steam Early Access)
Episode #15 - Welcome to another episode of YOLO, the show where I only live once. Today we're taking an early look at 20XX, the brand new Mega Man X-inspired action/platformer from indie newcomer Batterystaple Gam...

August 02, 2015 Online Pass
Online Pass: The Weekly Video Game News Quiz (August 2, 2015...
Episode #2 - This is Online Pass, the weekly video game news quiz show. My name is Cyril Lachel and I'm going to ask you a series of questions based on some of the biggest news stories from the past week. It's you...