September 2008

September 25, 2008 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - September 25, 2008
Episode #79 - Cyril may be down in California playing Saints Row 2, but that isn't going to stop him from telling you about all of this week's retro releases. This week we take a look at both Vectorman for the Gen...

September 25, 2008 Reviews au Courant
Review: Rock Band 2
Harmonix plays it safe with this Rock Band sequel, but that shouldn't keep you from rocking out. With more than 80 songs, deep single and multiplayer modes, and some amazing online challenges, Rock B...

September 24, 2008 Cyril Reads
Bionic Commando (Ch. 11)
Episode #20 - It's time once again for another exciting episode of Cyril Reads Bionic Commando, the only show brave enough to read the Bionic Commando book from twenty years ago. You will never believe what Jack h...

September 22, 2008 Freeze Frame
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Redundancy
Episode #74 - The Freeze Frame (Ep. 74) - Are you planning on picking up both Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero: World Tour? Well there's something you should know, and you might want to sit down for this one. It ...

September 22, 2008 Reviews au Courant
Review: Soul Calibur IV
No matter if it's "Soulcalibur", "Soul Calibur" or "SoulCalibur", any way you spell it Soul Calibur IV is a winner. With its amazing graphics, great line-up of characters and easy controls, Soul Cali...

September 19, 2008 Reviews au Courant
Review: Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Cyril may have already looked at the Xbox Live Arcade game, but that's not going to stop John from giving us his two cents about this PlayStation Network version. Is this brand new Bionic Commando re...

September 18, 2008 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - September 18, 2008
Episode #78 - It's time for another episode of This Week in Defunct Games, the weekly show where we look at the best (and worst) in this week's retro releases. This week we only talk about one game, but at least i...

September 17, 2008 Cyril Reads
Bionic Commando (Ch. 10)
Episode #19 - Cyril Reads Bionic Commando (Ep. 6) - It's yet another exciting episode of Cyril Reads Bionic Commando, the show where we read one of the worst video game books chapter by chapter. When we last left ...

September 12, 2008 On Running Feuds
Top 5 Overlooked Prequels: Prequel Edition
Episode #152 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 152) - You can find a lot of really interesting content on the 1up Network. From reviews to news to in depth features, 1up has a lot of quality articles worth reading. They als...

September 11, 2008 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - September 11, 2008
Episode #77 - It's time once again for another episode of This Week in Defunct Games, the show that is daring enough to look at the best and worst retro releases of the week. This week I hope you like shooters, be...

September 10, 2008 Cyril Reads
Bionic Commando (Ch. 8 + 9)
Episode #18 - Cyril Reads Bionic Commando (Ep. 5) - We're more than a month into Cyril Reads Bionic Commando and the stuff is hitting the fan! In this episode we take to the sky, go underwater and battle an unexpe...

September 08, 2008 Countdown w/ DGC
The 8 Terrible Things About PAX 08
Episode #69 - Top 10 Lists (Ep. 69) - So PAX is over and done, and with 60,000 attendees it looks like it was an overwhelming success. But not so fast, because not everything about this year's Penny Arcade Expo we...

September 04, 2008 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - September 4, 2008
Episode #76 - It's time once again for This Week in Defunct Games, the show that looks at the best and worst of the week's retro releases. This week we have a couple of older Nintendo games, including the weird Cl...

September 03, 2008 Cyril Reads
Bionic Commando (Ch. 7)
Episode #17 - It's Wednesday and that can only mean one thing, it's time for another exciting episode of Cyril Reads Bionic Commando! It's the only show brave enough to read you each and every chapter of the 1991 ...