September 2016

September 28, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Laser Disco Defenders
While I would have preferred the developers play up the theme more than they did, I can't deny that this is a fun little shoot-em-up. It doesn't have a lot of content and the levels are bland, but the...

September 27, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Lichtspeer
Technical issues aside, Lichtspeer is an intoxicatingly crazy action game with a lot of style and charm. What could have been a simple time-waster has been elevated to an outrageously fun adventure ga...

September 21, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Wheels of Aurelia
Whether you call it a visual novel, graphic adventure or driving game, Wheels of Aurelia is unlike anything I've ever played before. I thoroughly enjoyed the colorful locations and spirited conversati...

September 20, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: The Bunker
As a full-motion video game, The Bunker excels in almost every way. It looks incredible and the acting never veers into campiness. It's a thrilling experience with a satisfying conclusion. But as an a...

September 20, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Filthy Lucre
While it's certainly more fun with another person, Filthy Lucre isn't deep enough to keep you engaged for long. The lack of variety ultimately forces players to simply repeat the same types of attacks...

September 12, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Jotun: Valhalla Edition
Despite being on the short side, Jotun: Valhalla Edition is a stunning adventure that you won't soon forget. There are times when I wished it offered more moves and bosses to fight, but there's more t...

September 09, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Sky Force Anniversary
Sky Force Anniversary is the 194X reboot Capcom should have made. It's a retro-throwback that remembers exactly why these old school shoot-em-ups were so much fun, while still giving modern gamers som...

September 08, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: 140
Although the music is good and some will like the minimalist look, 140 ends up being a disappointingly derivative affair. It does just enough to be average, and not much else. And in a world where doz...

September 06, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Tadpole Treble
Tadpole Treble is a game that surprised me every step of the way. I was thoroughly won over by the winning soundtrack and charming sense of style, and found that I grew attached to this adorable littl...

September 05, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: DOGOS
While there's still room for improvement, it's clear that OPQAM is headed in the right direction. DOGOS is an action-packed game that not only looks a lot better than Project Root, but is also more ex...