WWF Pinball Contest - Advertisement Review

Dude!! This contest is totally "In Your Face"! How can you argue with such an extreme advertisement? And it's not just in your face, but it also wants your face to appear in the advert. That's just one of the extreme, totally over-the-top prizes you could win in this contest that, dare I say it, is in your face. But don't get too excited, this is just a contest to win some WWF Pinball machine, not even something useful. At least if they were giving out the Clapper or a subscription to GamePro this would be worth entering, but who wants their face on an advertisement that is promoting a WWF Pinball machine? And it's not even doing a good job of that.

And the terrible prizes don't stop there. The second place winners will receive two Data East games of their choice. You can't complain about two free games ... unless you remember how bad the Data East games were back in the early 1990s. To illustrate this fact just look at the games they are promoting in the top corner, Panic and Side Pocket. Getting a copy of Panic is not what I would call "In Your Face," it's more like "In The Garbage."

So far we've seen a contest that could net you a crummy WWF Pinball machine, copies of Panic and your face in an upcoming Data East advertisement, what could be worse than that? Well Data East manages to find a way of sinking even lower it decides to give out two Sega 32X machines. Talk about adding insult to injury, with prizes like this the best you can hope for is the third prize: the sports bottle!

FROM: Skating With Bad Advertising