Sega's Absolutely Rose Street TV Show - Advertisement Review

I have never been more confused by an advertisement as I am with Absolutely Rose Street, which may or may not have been a real show that people actually watched. From this advertisement it looks like it has something to do with Sega, a guy with no sense of style, a lesbian, and a leggy supermodel. Oh, and they keep calling me Bub, I really hate being called Bub. But what the hell is this show about, and why do I hate it so much after only seeing this advertisement? Oh Absolutely Rose Street, I have a feeling you and I are going to be enemies for a long, long time!

No matter whether this is a game, TV show, or new line of clothing, there is one thing for sure, this advertisement is so poorly put together we hope Sega didn't pay anybody more than minimum wage for this atrocity. There is not one single part of this commercial that makes any sense what so ever, and when you start reading the text it seems to make even less sense than before. It seems to have something to do with you choosing between the busty blonde (I think) and "Game Beat," a poorly named show somebody is trying to cancel. They talk about you making the call and getting on the phone, yet nowhere in this commercial does it say who to call or what the phone number is.

One of the main problems with this commercial is that it seems to understand that it's pitching a painfully bad product. At the top it comments that "it's too late, it's already on the air," not exactly what I would call a good omen. And then there's the guy at the bottom letting these people know that their show sucks. He's just there, hanging out, letting them know that this show is pointless and that we shouldn't watch. And look at that, we didn't watch, Absolutely Rose Street has been long forgotten, and this advertisement could be a big part of the reason why. Still, I am somewhat interested to see what that "secret Sega stuff" is they keep talking about.

FROM: Who Shot Bad Advertising? (Part One)