Peak Performance on PlayStation - Advertisement Review

Toilet humor is just one of the many clich?s for selling your product, but knowing when you have too much is critical if you actually want to sell something. This commercial for Peak Performance decides to go way past that line, you could use this advertisement as a toilet and it would be an improvement to what we have to look at here. But before we pick all of this apart let's just try to imagine the men and women that came up with this ad campaign, do they think that lowly of us game players to where we would be interested in a page full of vomit? Or perhaps a better question is, are these advertisers interested in a page full of vomit?

Regardless of what the answer to that question is, the fact still remains that we're dealing with a page full of green, gross vomit. Not just a little vomit either, I'm talking about a full page of this stuff. And to make it all that much more disgusting, there are clear patches and areas with far more chunks ... all of which leads to a very unappetizing advertisement. Vomit is generally gross, but in this commercial it's so bad you can almost smell it. If that's your idea of good advertising then perhaps you and I should never meet in person.

When you look at this advertisement it shouldn't take long before you realize that no matter how good a game looks, if you mix it in with vomit the chances are good nobody will want to buy it. Unfortunately for Peak Performance it didn't look good to begin with, making the vomit that much worse. Of course, it's not like Atlus is doing this game any favors with the screenshots, who can resist that picture of the side of a bus? And that one that looks like a course in Tiger Woods PGA Tour, who thought including that would be a good idea? And while we're asking questions, how the heck was the guy able to vomit without taking his helmet off? Perhaps these are the questions we will never get the answers to.

FROM: Who Shot Bad Advertising? (Part One)