Panic on Sega CD - Advertisement Review

This is a classic example of a pop culture parody gone wildly astray. Data East is obviously referencing the famous Got Milk? slogan that still permeates our society, but instead of going for a tasteful parody they decided to take it in a direction that would likely turn more people away than anything. Throw in the fact that there is almost no information about the product and you have one of the worst video game commercials of all time.

Panic didn't need this kind of advertising. There's no question that Panic was a hard game to sell, it's a title that features a boy and his dog traveling from one strange situation to another. It features bike-riding elephants, boys with boobs, plenty of landmarks being destroyed, and some awkward sexual metaphors. It's a game where you do nothing more than "guess" at which button to push, and then watch the short animated clip that followed your decision. Despite being a hard game to sell, it would b have been nice to see Data East actually try to come up with a way to get people to buy it. My suggestion would be a large MA-17 rating in the middle of the page with the text "The Journey of a Boy Who Grows Boobs" over it. How can anybody resist that?

But what bugs me about this advertisement is not the stupid way they represented a good game, my problem is solely with the guy and the milk. Why is milk coming out of his nose? One has to surmise that it's because he looked at the "Got Panic?" joke (that's where his eyes are) and found it so damn funny that he had to spit milk out of his nose. The problem is that neither the milk spilling out of the nose nor the "Got Panic?" text is particularly funny, which makes this commercial even more tragic. I tell you, if they had just mentioned the breasts thing we wouldn't be talking about it here.

FROM: Saved By the Bad Advertising