Psychopad K.O. Hyper Pad - Advertisement Review

Forget for a moment that this is a commercial has a large, stupid looking wrestler promoting controls for the PlayStation, Sega Saturn, and Super NES. Forget that they've decided not to show you this "Hyper Programmable 10 in 1 Game Pad." Forget for a moment that it's not smart to hold up metal objects in a lightning storm. Because while those things are stupid, it pales in comparison to the fact that this is essentially a party invite to E3.

E3, it's the one place every single person reading that magazine (and likely this site) wants to go to. It's a fantastic experience with loud music, tons of people, and games everywhere. But how many people reading this magazine (EGM2) actually got to go to E3? After all, the event isn't open to the public ... not even people that read EGM2. Maybe 10%? Probably less. At most a handful of this magazine's readers got to attend the show, and even fewer would be able to get into this Ultimate E3 Party put on by ACT Laboratory, Ltd. When you're advertising something that only 1% of the people will be able to get into, you might as well just save your money and spend it on better artists.

And really, who wants to go to a party put on by a company that makes controls? I don't care how great your control is (even if it's the Hyper Programmable 10 in 1 Game Pad), if you're not a maker of video games you're party is going to suck. The only reason somebody would want to go to a party put on by the makers of game controls is if the Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo parties are all filled up. Going to a party like this is really a sign of desperation, if you do attend a party like this just remember to lie to your friends and say it was a Rockstar Games party!

FROM: Bad Advertising, She Wrote