Bible Buffet by Color Dream - Cover Review

Okay, I admit that it might be a little unfair for me (a devout non-Christian) to ridicule something called Bible Buffet. But I feel I have earned the right, after all, I was the only media to actually attend the first ever Christian Game Developers Conference. But I don't think you need to be a Christian to see how ridiculous this NES cover is. Bible Buffet is one of those non-licensed NES carts that made a minor splash in the 1980s. But Bible Buffet is more than just a way to teach you about the stories in the Great Book; it's a way of teaching you about Noah's Ark and making you hungry at the same time. Just take a look at this cover; it features happy kids with food in the title and a pizza, hotdog and ice cream cone all having a good time. This is not just a creepy cover, it's also extremely confusing.

While I know the story about turning water to wine and the Last Supper, I don't remember anything about marathon running food in the Bible. Whose brilliant idea was to get kids excited about the Bible by using food? And not just food, but fast food. No wonder this country has such a problem with child obesity. The idea that this game, with its gratuitous use of fatty foods, has a sticker claiming that it's "Family Approved" is both shocking and a little distressing. If I were a young kid I would probably be more disturbed by seeing my favorite junk foods with human characteristics, there's just something kind of freaky about watching a giant hotdog do anything. And what's going on with that grass? I can only wonder how many children looked at the French fries growing in the grass and went on a taste test in their own back yard. Perhaps I'm looking at this all wrong, the fact that these three foods are getting along so well can only be taken as inspiring. And at the end of the day isn't that what the Bible is all about, making sure that a hot dog, pizza and ice cream cone can get a long?