Sunday Funday: The Ride by Wisdom Tree - Cover Review

I'm sure that I'm going to get a lot of email complaining that I am picking on the Christians in this episode of The Cover Critic, but with box art like this can you really blame me? The truth is, if it wasn't for the Jesus Fish on the bottom of the skateboard I may not have even put the two things together and realized that this is yet another non-licensed Bible-themed NES cartridge. Sunday Funday: The Ride is published by the same people that released Bible Buffet, thankfully this time around they opted against teaching the various stories by using fast food. Instead they give us a game with a kid on a skateboard that appears to be getting away from jocks, bullies and ... flying fish? Look, the Bible has a lot of stories that would probably make for an interesting video game. It's full of violence, overcoming obstacles and bigger than life characters (sometimes figuratively, sometimes literally), yet none of the Bible-based games tackle these aspects of the Bible. What gives? Instead we get some fun-loving kid and his Jesus Fish skateboard?

But enough picking on the kid and his fashion sense, the real tragedy of this game has nothing to do with the jocks, bullies, skateboard or even those damn flying fish. Instead I take issue with that terrible name. Sunday Funday? It just goes to show that nothing good comes from a video game named after a rhyme. And not even a good rhyme at that. I can think of a lot of fun things to do on Sunday and learning about Hell and the Holy Spirit is definitely not at the top of the list. The name Sunday Funday is bad enough, but the geniuses behind this game have decided to go one step further and add "The Ride" to the end of the name. The Ride? For a company with a name like Wisdom Tree you would think that they would be bright enough not to combine "The Ride" with "Sunday Funday". They should just be honest and call the game what it is: Another Crappy Bible-Based Game that Has No Chance of Being Licensed by Nintendo: The Ride!