Tower of Babel by Rainbird - Cover Review

According to Genesis Chapter 11 of the Bible, the Tower of Babel was a tower built to reach the heavens by a united humanity, all speaking a single language. God saw that humans would be able to do whatever they set their minds to, so he confused their unified language and scattered them. What a jerk. But then, I suppose the world is a more interesting place with all of those different languages to learn. And best of all, the internet (and Rosetta Stone) makes understanding foreigners easier than ever.

Apparently Rainbird decided that instead of giving the world different languages, this Tower of Babel would shoot flying dreidels out of the air with a violent laser beam. But then again, maybe Rainbird may be on to something. Perhaps they knew that the universal language wasn't music or laughing ... it was war and violence. Just look at the world of the 21st century, no matter what language or accent you have, you definitely understand what it means when somebody shoots a gun at you or blows up one of your buildings. It's not funny, but I think I've deciphered this tortured metaphor. Oddly enough it's not the violence that bugs me, instead it's the complete lack of any towers on this cover. There is that tallish building in the distance, but I don't think anybody would consider that to be a tower, especially when we're comparing it to the Tower of Babel (which "was built to reach the heavens by a united humanity). But even if this is some amazing Biblical metaphor I'll never play it, there's just too much dark blue on the cover. And as we all know, I'm deathly allergic to dark blue.