Chegger's Party Quiz by Oxygen Games - Cover Review

Cheggers Party Quiz? What the heck is a "Chegger" ... and how can I make sure I never get it? Talk about lost in translation, Cheggers Party Quiz is one of those UK imports that makes absolutely no sense to those of us who don't speak the Queen's English. Based on the few minutes of research I did on the internet, Cheggers is actually some middle age dude name Keith Chegwin. The fact that his "character" is known as Cheggers is just another example of that unparalleled British wit. So Keith ... er, Cheggers is star of his own children's show, or at least he has something to do with children. Either way, he has a bunch of podcasts online that are the very definition of painfully annoying. It's as if somebody decided to write down the least funny things they could come up with and then read it back in the most annoying voice of all time. Yeah, Cheggers sucks.

Chegger's isn't the only thing that stinks around here, that cover art is truly a mess. Let's start with the obvious problem, that virtual Cheggers just isn't that appealing of a character. Here's a middle aged man whose hair loss has revealed a Kelsey Grammar-sized forehead. On top of the lack of hair, Cheggers is also kind of creepy. Not in that "lovable, yet kind of creepy" sort of way, but rather in the "run for your life you're dealing with a child rapist" sort of creepy. Then again, anybody who can get right up next to the blaring light and not melt is a little creepy in my books. But the thing that annoys me the most is not the creepy looking dude (who looks a lot like my drunken uncle), instead it's the blatant spelling error in the title. Cheggers Party Quiz? Shouldn't that be Chegger's Party Quiz? Or, maybe the character's name is actually Cheggers, so wouldn't that make it Cheggers' Party Quiz? Either way, there's something clearly wrong with this game.