Flashback: The Quest for Identity Reviewed by Chad Reinhardt on . Rating: 100%

Flashback: The Quest for Identity

If it was possible to marry a video game, my dowry would go to thee. Flashback has always been and remains one of my favorite games. Considering the year which this game came out, it stands as a technological masterpiece, and to find it all these years later on the 3DO with slightly more impressive cut-scenes to boot, we talking about something special.

Flashback is not officially, but is widely regarded as a sequel to Out of This World (the official sequel actually being Heart of the Alien). It is very much in the same bane, features very similar controls, and the overall ambiance makes the continuity hard to ignore. This time around we assume the role of Conrad, an average Joe in a Members Only jacket trying to remember what has happened to him, and why he can't remember why he can't remember. The events to unfold include running, jumping, climbing, shooting mutants and cops, and participating in a sadistic Running Man-style game show for a fabulous trip to Earth. In retrospect, this game, particularly the first stage, reminds me of Pitfall, if Pitfall were to transpire in a futuristic dystopia, and Pitfall Harry wore a Members Only jacket.

The controls in this game take a little getting used to, but after a short while feel very natural once you understand Conrad's movements. Holding A and pressing forward makes Conrad run. Holding A after he starts running and not pressing anything else will cause him to jump and grab the nearest ledge; a move that took me quite a while to figure out when I first rented this game. Pressing C draws his gun, A steadies and fires, and moving with the D-pad while the gun is drawn changes his stance into a cool creeping position. Conrad can also roll, but this is tricky with the 3DO controller, as it does not recognize diagonals! That alone cost this game several points.

The music and sound effects are perfectly suited to the action. The graphics are essentially the same as they were on the 16-bit systems, but the cut-scenes between levels have been totally overhauled; not entirely necessary but a pretty nice touch. Overall, I cannot say enough wonderful things about this game. There is no save feature, but passwords are provided after each level. With three difficulty levels and endless action, there shouldn't be a soul alive that hasn't experienced this majesty, no matter the system of choice. However, seeing as how the 3DO is sorely lacking quality titles, you may want to give this version a shot. But back off, she's mine!