February 2006

February 28, 2006 Reviews au Courant
Review: MLB 06: The Show
Can Dan Clarke go all the way to the big show? Find out now when you read his full review of MLB 06: The Show for the PlayStation 2!...

February 27, 2006 They Said WHAT?!?
EGM August '95 - All About the Ultra 64!
Episode #5 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 5) - It's time to open up another issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly and see what their gossip guru has to say about the future. Will he be right? Will he be wr...

February 26, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Quarantine
Despite the fact that Chad compares Quarantine to games like Grand Theft Auto and Twisted Metal he doesn't really like this game. In fact, he has nothing but bad things to say about Quarantine. It f...

February 26, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Zombie Revenge
It's Adrian Hall's first Defunct Games review, and it's a doozy! Zombie Revenge is an action/adventure game with poor controls and very little replay. On the flip side, it's a near-perfect port of t...

February 26, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #1 - Welcome to another exciting weekend at Defunct Games. It's the final weekend in February and we have posted four brand new reviews worth reading. See what Chad thinks games like Flashback: The Quest...

February 25, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Oh Flashback, what a wonderful game that we've managed to talk about already. This is a review of the 3DO version, which doesn't really add much new content. But it does manage to provide a kick but...

February 25, 2006 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Tatsujin
Oh good, I get to talk about another shooter. If there's one thing we've learned from doing Defunct Games it's that there will never be enough 2D shooters. Tatsujin is of the overhead variety, a fun...

February 24, 2006 On Running Feuds
What Ever Happened to Jumping Flash?
Episode #94 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 94) - When Sony announced a new Warhawk you could not find a person more excited than me. This was one of my favorite games on the original PlayStation. Here we are 11 years la...

February 23, 2006 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX
Forget Darkstalkers, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max is the must-own fighting game on the PSP. In many ways this is the best version of the game yet, despite having a few quirks associated with the system...

February 19, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Road Rash
Of all the classic Electronic Arts games, Road Rash is one of the best. You would think that a racing game that involves you punching and kicking your competition would work in this day and age, but ...

February 19, 2006 Review - Sega CD
Review: Popful Mail
You know you want to read this review, if only to see what the name is all about. Winston Smith shares his opinion about Working Design's action/RPG, and it's mostly good. Is this up to the caliber ...

February 19, 2006 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Parodius Da!
It's Parodius Da!, Konami's parody of the popular Gradius franchise. What's that, you've never heard of it? That could be because they decided not to release it in the U.S., which is a real sha...

February 18, 2006 Review - Sega CD
Review: Robo Aleste
For a Sega system the Sega CD had very few quality shooters, something that confuses Winston Smith to this day. But who cares how many shooters there were, all we want to know about are whether or no...

February 18, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Virtuoso
Chad absolutely loathes Virtuoso. He's having a hard time coming up with anything good to say about this product. Is it the worst game we've reviewed on Defunct Games? Chad seems to think it's...

February 17, 2006 The Cover Critic
The Early 2006 Cover Up
Episode #51 - The Cover Critic (Ep. 51) - What better way to end the week than with another visit to the Cover Critic? This week we take a look at five of the biggest games of the beginning of 2006. We won't...

February 15, 2006 Bad Advertisement
STD Handy Gear for Game Gear - Advertisement Review
Episode #61 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the STD Handy Gear (Game Gear) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game adve...

February 15, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Mario's Time Machine for Super NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #62 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Mario's Time Machine (Super NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic gam...

February 15, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Inindo on Super NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #63 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Inindo (Super NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisemen...

February 15, 2006 Bad Advertisement
STD Handy Boy - Advertisement Review
Episode #64 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the STD Handy Boy (Game Boy) promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic g...

February 15, 2006 Commercial Break
In the Heat of the Bad Advertising
Episode #16 - Commercial Break (Ep. 16) - It's the sixteenth episode of Commercial Break and that can only mean one thing ... there will be four more bad adverts to make fun of. This episode has everything, from M...

February 13, 2006 On Running Feuds
Everybody Hates Maki
Episode #93 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 93) - If there's one thing Capcom is good at it's giving their older characters a second chance. In this 93rd episode of the On Running Feuds we question why nobody can remember...

February 12, 2006 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: Cyberia
Chad used to like Cyberia, but things have changed. Cyberia just isn't the same as it used to be, it's cold and not as much fun to experience. Is it time to bid farewell to Cyberia? Read Chad'...

February 12, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Psychic Detective
Ever see that show Medium? Y'know, the one with the prostitute from True Romance as a mid-west psychic who solves mysteries? Well, that's what this game is about ... except it's not comple...

February 10, 2006 Player Select
Finish Him - Stars of Mortal Kombat II
Episode #3 - Player Select (Ep. 3) - It's just about time for another episode of Player Select, the show that has our critics nitpicking your favorite video game characters. This week we look at Scorpion, Mileena...

February 08, 2006 Bad Advertisement
War Gods on Nintendo 64 - Advertisement Review
Episode #57 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the War Gods (Nintendo 64) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertis...

February 08, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Cliffhanger on Super NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #58 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Cliffhanger (Super NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game adverti...

February 08, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Street Fighter II Special on Genesis - Advertisement Review
Episode #59 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Street Fighter II Special Champion Edition (Genesis) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think...

February 08, 2006 Bad Advertisement
wipEout on PlayStation - Advertisement Review
Episode #60 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the wipEout (PlayStation) promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game...

February 08, 2006 Commercial Break
You Bet Your Bad Advertising
Episode #15 - Commercial Break (Ep. 15) - You would think by now we would have run out of terrible advertising, but here we are at episode 15 and it's still going strong. Join us as we look at kabuki warriors, cli...

February 06, 2006 On Running Feuds
GamePro's Almost Perfect Game of the Year
Episode #92 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 92) - This year just about every game critic agrees, Resident Evil 4 was the game of the year. With its amazing graphic, intriguing story, and tense moments Resident Evil 4 was ...

February 05, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Space Ace
It's Space Age, the popular full motion video game created by Don Bluth. How does a game like this hold up? Perhaps in the game's phenomenal story and animation. Oh, and it was funny, too. Chad h...

February 05, 2006 Review - SMS
Review: Golden Axe Warrior
I know what you're going to ask, but does it really matter if this is a spin off of Sega's Golden Axe? Would that change anything about the game and whether or not you would play it? I mean,...

February 04, 2006 Review - SMS
Review: Jurassic Park
Bad graphics. Crummy control. Terrible sound. Oh, this must be a movie game. It's Jurassic Park, a game that would seem like a perfect fit on a game system. The Master System tries, but ultimately thi...

February 04, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram
Lee has a thing for Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram, and he's about to spend some time explaining it to you. Forget what you think you know about Virtual On, this is one review that will have you clamori...

February 01, 2006 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! January 2006 Edition
Episode #7 - You've just witnessed 50 straight hours of bad American Idol auditions, you're being sued by LA over your sexy game, and you were just arrested in the Middle East for going into the ladies bathroom. I...

February 01, 2006 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #9: Grandia III
Episode #9 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...