March 2006

March 31, 2006 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! March 2006 Edition
Episode #9 - You just spent the last 48 hours analyzing that confusing Lost diagram, stood in line to buy sushi at Wal-Mart, and was named the Sexiest Woman Alive. It sounds like you just barely survived March 20...

March 29, 2006 On Running Feuds
In Defense of the Epic Adventure Game
Episode #99 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 99) - It's the final On Running Feud before the magic number 100 and it's epic! Actually, it's about epics and what the critics have against them. Find out what GamePro and oth...

March 27, 2006 On Running Feuds
Crowning a New Low for Resident Evil
Episode #98 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 98) - Hey American Idol fans, it's time to use all of that voting practice for something good. After 98 Feuds we figured it was about time to introduce you to an interactive art...

March 26, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Namco Museum
If Namco tried any harder to suck money out of Pac-Man and Dig Dug I swear you'll be able to hear it in space! Here's Namco with YET ANOTHER collection of their classic arcade games. But only six...

March 26, 2006 Review - Game Gear
Review: Super Off Road
Find out now why Cyril seems to think that Super Off Road is the best racing game on the Game Gear. No really, Super Off Road. Sure, it might not compare to the likes of Burnout Legends and wipEout ...

March 26, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #5 - Sick of all those CD-i reviews from last week? Maybe it's time we shake things up with a few Dreamcast reviews! This weekend we're giving you reviews of Charge 'N Blast, Namco Museum, and the U...

March 25, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Ultimate Fighting Championship
My friends would insist that the UFC is not wresting, instead it's two guys that genuinely want to kick the crap out of each other. Nothing wrong with that; and that's why you would think that it wou...

March 25, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Charge 'N Blast
Charge 'N Blast has all of the ingredients for a great game -- it has an alien invasion, it features robots, and there are all kinds of explosions to keep you awake. But there's something about the g...

March 24, 2006 Bonus Levels
PSP Report Card - My So Called Portable Console
Episode #51 - It's the PSP's birthday today and that can only mean one thing: it's time to grade the past year in a report card. Join the entire Defunct Games staff as they take a look back at the first twelve mon...

March 22, 2006 On Running Feuds
GamePro's Letter Writing Campaign
Episode #97 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 97) - Despite some great software recently, GamePro has gone out of their way to promote the PSP's negatives. Are they running an agenda or simply responding to reader mail?...

March 20, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Super Hunchback on Super NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #69 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Super Hunchback (Game Boy) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game adve...

March 20, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Arch Rivals on Genesis - Advertisement Review
Episode #70 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Arch Rivals (Genesis) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertise...

March 20, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Wordtris on Super NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #71 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Wordtris (Game Boy) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertiseme...

March 20, 2006 Bad Advertisement
CD-i Game System - Advertisement Review
Episode #72 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Philips CD-i promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertis...

March 20, 2006 Commercial Break
Fun-Filled Days of Bad Advertising
Episode #18 - Commercial Break (Ep. 18) - It's a brand new week with another dip in the pool of bad advertising. It's Fun-Filled Days of Bad Advertising, our 18th Commercial Break. In this episode learn why the C...

March 19, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Alien Gate
In our second day of CD-i reviews we will look at a couple of games not based on popular Nintendo characters. First on the list is Alien Gate, a 2D shooter with 25 monotonous levels. Of course, comp...

March 19, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Shaolin Road
The Shaolin Road is a return to the crappy games the CD-i is known for. With bad control, crummy graphics, and nothing else worth talking about, Shaolin Road may be one of the defining reasons the sy...

March 19, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Super Mario's Wacky Worlds
And we're back to Nintendo characters. This game was never actually finished; it's a unfinished "review" of what looked like the first REAL Mario game on the system. Forget the puzzle game that was ...

March 19, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #4 - This weekend we were proud to introduce our first CD-i reviews, including write-ups about six different games from Chad. What can you expect from a weekend of CD-i reviews? All kinds of Nintend...

March 18, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Link: The Faces of Evil
It took five years for The Legend of Zelda to show up on Defunct Games, but it's finally here ... and it sucks. Considering that the Nintendo 64DD's Zelda was never released (well, on that system) an...

March 18, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Hotel Mario
Don't you dare even start singing songs by the Eagles, this is Hotel Mario and it doesn't deserve its own song. Of all the CD-i reviews Hotel Mario is about the best, even though it has strange contr...

March 18, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
Wait a second; we get two Zelda games in one day? And what's more, this one actually stars Zelda! Oh goodness, it's Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon! Could this game be ever worse than The Faces of ...

March 17, 2006 On Running Feuds
Game Companies Eye Their Paper Moon
Episode #96 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 96) - When video game companies look up in the sky what do you think they see? Apparently it's a paper moon, because these days many of your favorite video game companies a...

March 15, 2006 On Running Feuds
The Final Battle Over Issue 200
Episode #95 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 95) - After 95 episodes of the On Running Feuds we are going to do something we have never done before -- resolve a feud! We're going to take a look at a couple of magazines tha...

March 14, 2006 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Black
With its amazing production values and stunning visuals Black makes a great first impression. But dig a little deeper and you'll find that Criterion Games' newest first-person shooter is short, shall...

March 12, 2006 Review - Sega CD
Review: Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch: Make My Video
It's a Sega CD game that allows you to create your own music video for Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. That's right, Marky Mark, the one and only Dirk Diggler! Now here's a guy that lets it all hang...

March 12, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Formula 1 World GP 2
Defunct Games is proud to present our newest staff reviewer, a man that goes by the name of Thomas Charnock. His first review is for Formula 1 World Grand Prix 2, a Dreamcast game he feels is worth i...

March 12, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: UEFA Dream Soccer
Thomas is back with his take on the world's most popular sport, soccer. And who better to look at UEFA Dream Soccer than our man from Manchester? Find out why this game of footy just doesn't ho...

March 12, 2006 Review - Sega CD
Review: Revenge of the Ninja
Chad returns with a look at one of those full-motion video games that the Sega CD did so well. If you loved Dragon's Lair but wished it had a ninja setting, then boy do I have a game for you! It's R...

March 12, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #3 - It's a weekend full of Sports and Sega CD, but not necessarily those together. It's the Weekend Update for March 11 and 12! This weekend saw Chad reviewing a game with Marky Mark and Revenge of the ...

March 10, 2006 The Cover Critic
Covering the PSP's First Birthday
Episode #53 - Cover Critic (Ep. 53) - The Xbox 360 isn't the only system getting all the games this month, Sony's PSP is also hitting the jackpot with more than a half dozen high profile games. What's the big occa...

March 08, 2006 They Said WHAT?!?
EGM Sept. '90 - Everybody Makes Bad Games!
Episode #6 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 6) - We're going way back in time for this episode of They Said WHAT?!? We're taking you on a journey back to 1990, a time when Bush was President, we were ...

March 06, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Gundam Battle Assault - Advertisement Review
Episode #65 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Gundam Battle Assault (PlayStation) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic ...

March 06, 2006 The Cover Critic
Covering the Xbox 360's Second Wave
Episode #52 - Cover Critic (Ep. 52) - It's time to put on my jerk-colored hat, the Cover Critic is in town and ready to tell you what works and what doesn't when it comes to box art. Today we look at the second wa...

March 05, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Psyvariar 2: The Will to Fabricate
Despite being released in 1999, the Sega Dreamcast had a number of amazing 2D shooters worth talking about. Heck, they almost had too many great shooters. With all these amazing games hogging the li...

March 05, 2006 Review - Sega 32x
Review: Shadow Squadron
There weren't a lot of great new games on the Sega 32X. Some loved the arcade ports, other liked the sports stuff, but when it came to brand new titles the 32X was lacking. Shadow Squadron tries to ...

March 05, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #2 - Here we are stuck in the middle of another weekend. All this rest and relaxation is getting you down, it's time for you to do something else. But what? How about checking out the four reviews ...

March 04, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Zero Gunner 2
Here at Defunct Games we find ourselves reviewing a lot of 2D shooters. You would think that after awhile all these games would just melt into one bad dream, but it's games like Zero Gunner 2 that ke...

March 04, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Centipede
Despite the success of Tempest 2000, not all early arcade games were meant to be remade. Adrian has a warning to anybody interested in playing this 3D Dreamcast update of Centipede, he hopes to stop ...

March 03, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Action Man on PlayStation - Advertisement Review
Episode #66 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Action Man (PlayStation) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advert...

March 03, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Nyko Christmas - Advertisement Review
Episode #67 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Nyko Christmas print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisement wh...

March 03, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Worms World Party - Advertisement Review
Episode #68 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Worms World Party (Dreamcast) promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this clas...

March 03, 2006 Commercial Break
Behind the Bad Advertising
Episode #17 - Commercial Break (Ep. 17) - It's a tale of sex, drugs and lies, a world of woe you won't soon forget. In our 17th episode of Commercial Break we find ourselves exposing more scandal when we go Behind...

March 01, 2006 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! February 2006 Edition
Episode #8 - You just got your feelings hurt by Simon Cowell and you recently had your multi-million dollar book deal yanked after the Smoking Gun outed your memoires as nothing more than lies. It sounds like you...