Dungeons & Dragons Collection Reviewed by Josh Dollins on . Rating: 64%

Dungeons & Dragons Collection

Taken directly from the arcades, the Dungeons & Dragons Collection is a pixel-perfect port, which should leave fans of the game happy as hell. Gameplay is composed of side-scrolling button-mashing reminiscent of Final Fight and Captain Commando, with the occasional fireball motion thrown in for good measure. While the formula strays little over the course of the two games, Capcom has enhanced the gameplay by adding multiple power-ups, magic attacks, item shopping between stages, and experience levels that increase with continued play.

The Dungeon & Dragons Collection features two different games, including Tower of Doom from 1994 and its follow up, 1996's Shadow Over Mystara. Graphically, Shadow Over Mystara is significantly nicer looking than Tower of Doom; the difference between the two is comparable to the change in look from Street Fighter II to Street Fighter Alpha. Sound-wise, you're better off keeping these harsh, tinny effects low in volume. Arcade games rarely have exemplary sound or music, and that's exactly the case here.

The most surprising aspect of the game is that, despite its use of the 4-Meg RAM Cart, loading times are horrendous, with mid-level battles occasionally pausing to let data stream in. It never becomes clear what exactly all the loading time is for, since the game levels aren't that big, and the enemies are fairly repetitious. Nevertheless, if you're a fan of these games, you'll endure it just the same.

The bottom line is that, as a very basic scrolling hacker, this game is simply alright. It's not bad, especially if you have a friend to help you play, but you can hardly look at this game as anything other than average. It's a good thing that the controls are spot-on, or else it would have been straight to the bargain bin. For fans, however, it's a reasonable value, just as long as you don't expect much.

Worthy note: The game is extremely rare and in somewhat high demand these days so expect to pay 100 dollars or more. My copy would run you about $164 with Ram cart.