September 2007

September 27, 2007 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - September 27, 2007
Episode #29 - It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing: The Office is back on NBC. Well, I guess it means two things, because it's time once again for another episode of This Week in Defunct Games! This is ...

September 26, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Jeanne D'Arc
It took almost two years before the PSP had a role-playing game worth investing your time into. The good news is that Jeanne D'Arc is one of the best tactical RPGs of all time; it's an epic game with...

September 25, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Dance Dance Revolution: SuperNova 2
Dan Clarke is a dancing fool when he gives Dance Dance Revolution: SuperNova 2 a shot. Does this sequel live up to the original? Find out now when you read his full review of Dance Dance Revolu...

September 25, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Alien Syndrome
It's not that we're against Sega resurrecting their classic game franchises; we would just prefer if they would put some effort into making them half decent. Nobody is asking for a game of the year s...

September 23, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #74 - It's the weekend before just about everybody goes out and buys Halo 3. But who cares about Master Chief and his on-running feud with those alien creatures? For those people completely uninteres...

September 22, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Assault Suit Leynos 2
While you may not recognize the name Assault Suit Leynos 2, it's actually the sequel to Target: Earth, a 16-bit Genesis game that was way ahead of its time. For some strange reason Joshua is under th...

September 22, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Darkseed
This Japanese adventure game looks good, but looks can be deceiving. Unless you're fluent in the language, this is one adventure game that you should probably avoid. That's not to say that the game ...

September 21, 2007 On Running Feuds
Someone Has Got to Stop BioShock
Episode #134 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 134) - It shouldn't come as a surprise that 2K Games is debating whether or not they should develop a sequel for BioShock. After months of hype and some stellar reviews, BioShoc...

September 20, 2007 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - September 20, 2007
Episode #28 - Last month I couldn't wait to get to Thursday, it seemed like week after week there was nothing but amazing retro games to discuss. These days it's slim pickings. Talk about a terrible week, we have...

September 19, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Brunswick Pro Bowling
Ever since the release of the Nintendo Wii gamers everywhere have been begging for a full-fledged bowling game. Sure the bowling mini-game in Wii Sports was fun, but how about something with a little...

September 17, 2007 Service Gaming: The Show
Service Gaming: You Bet Your Life
Episode #6 - It's time once again for everybody's favorite video game-related game show. That's right; it's time for Service Gaming: The Show. This is the game where we ask a bunch of video gamer's questions and...

September 16, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #73 - Thank God it's the weekend, time for us to sit back, relax and let our hair down. But don't get too comfortable, because Defunct Games is ready with another batch of classic reviews for you to comb o...

September 15, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Soukyugurentai
Let's just get this out of the way; the name of this game is Soukyugurentai. That's easy for you to say. Don't even bother trying to pronounce it, at the end of the day it doesn't matter what you ca...

September 14, 2007 The Cover Critic
The Cover Critic Comes Clean
Episode #65 - The Cover Critic (Ep. 65) - It's time once again for The Cover Critic, the show where we take a look at the worst box art of all time and give it the grade it deserves. In this episode we have five o...

September 13, 2007 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - September 13, 2007
Episode #27 - It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing: It's time for another exciting episode of This Week in Defunct Games! This is the show where we take a look at the classic games invading your Xbox 360...

September 12, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: John Woo Presents Stranglehold
When Midway announced that they were going to develop the world's first John Woo video game we had our doubts. How would this video game company ever be able to match the excitement of Hard Boiled or...

September 10, 2007 Bonus Levels
The 7 Forgotten Games of PAX 07
Episode #72 - This year's PAX was filled with exciting high profile games, from Rock Band to Metroid Prime 3. But there's one thing you didn't hear much about this year: The little games. We understand why the Ga...

September 09, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Segata Sanshiro Shinkenyugi
Everybody's favorite Saturn spokesman is back with his own game ... and it's not very good. But then again, what are you going to do with a character like Segata Sanshiro? It would have been co...

September 09, 2007 Review - CD-i
Review: Lucky Luke: The Video Game
After three reviews with an Eastern flavor, it's nice to have something like Lucky Luke rounding out our review line-up. I know a guy named Luke, but to say he's lucky would be like saying that I kno...

September 09, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #72 - Talk about a depressing weekend. Summer is over, kids are back in school, and we're back to our normal two-day weekends. But life must go on, and that means that you can expect another four classic ...

September 08, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Gakkou no Kaidan
That's easy for you to say. So here it is, Gakkou no Kaidan, the game based on the popular (?) Japanese movie of the same name. At least that's what they're telling me, as far as I know this ga...

September 07, 2007 On Running Feuds
Is This Schwag Bag Worth It? Part 2
Episode #133 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 133) - We're back from the Penny Arcade Expo and that can only mean one thing: It's time to look at all the schwag we picked up! The cool thing about PAX is that as you walk in ...

September 06, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - September 6, 2007
Episode #26 - It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing: I'm currently at an Activision event in San Francisco. But don't worry, I may be on the road but that isn't going to stop me from bringing you another ...

September 05, 2007 Freeze Frame
Eat, Sleep, Play, Rip Off
Episode #69 - Freeze Frame (Ep. 69) - Eat Sleep Play. That's the name of David Jaffe's new game company, the company he left Sony to create. Eat Sleep Play. Why does that name sound familiar? Oh wait I kno...

September 04, 2007 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! August 2007 Edition
Episode #25 - You just spent all month getting ready for the Penny Arcade Expo, you realized that there's absolutely nothing good on TV, and sent Owen Wilson a whole basket of get well cookies. It sounds like you ...

September 03, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Dungeons & Dragons Collection
I personally loved these Capcom Dungeons & Dragons arcade games; they combined the fun of leveling-up with all the excitement of Final Fight or Captain Commando. This Japan-only Saturn collection man...

September 03, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Gunbird
Chances are you've heard of (or maybe even played) Gunbird 2 for the Sega Dreamcast. It was a moderately successful shooter that has a cult following. Did you know that there was a Gunbird 1? ...

September 03, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update: Labor Day Edition
Episode #71 - To our non-American readers this probably won't matter much, but this is Labor Day weekend and we're celebrating it in style. Instead of just having two days of classic reviews, we're going to give y...

September 02, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Darius Gaiden
What would a weekend be without a review of a classic 2D shoot-em-up? Unlike a lot of the shooters we look at on Defunct Games, Darius Gaiden is actually one of the more recent examples of the g...

September 01, 2007 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #24: Mass Effect
Episode #24 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...

September 01, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean
In a world of role-playing games with amazing 3D graphics and detailed cinemas, Albert Odyssey bucks the trend by offering a traditional 2D role-playing experience. The good news is that this game is...

September 01, 2007 Review - CD-i
Review: Laser Lords
We've had Lords of Thunder, Lords of Chaos, Lords of the Rising Sun, Lords of Doom, Lords of EverQuest, and just plain Lords ... now we have Laser Lords. Laser Lords? I'm pretty sure I met that...