August 2007

August 31, 2007 Service Gaming: The Show
Service Gaming: Joker's Wild
Episode #5 - Service Gaming (Ep. 5) - It's the hotly anticipated return of everybody's favorite game show, Service Gaming: The Show! After a year hiatus, Service Gaming is back with a powerful new episode you won...

August 30, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - August 30, 2007
Episode #25 - It's the last Thursday in August and that can only mean one thing - it's time for yet another episode of This Week in Defunct Games! This is the show where we look at the week in classic gaming and s...

August 29, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Forza Motorsport 2
Two years after releasing one of the best racing simulators ever made, Microsoft is ready to take the genre to the next level. Forza 2 manages to improve on the original in almost every way, ultimate...

August 28, 2007 Countdown w/ DGC
Top 10 Things I Learned at PAX 2007
Episode #66 - Top 10 Lists (Ep. 66) - We're back from PAX 2007 and ready to dish some dirt! This is the Top 10 Things I Learned at PAX '07, our very first story about this year's Penny Arcade Expo. This is a coll...

August 27, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Bomberman Live
Bomberman Live is everything you want from a Bomberman game, including fast-paced action, a great multiplayer mode, and enough diversity to keep you coming back for months to come. With its strong on...

August 24, 2007 Guerilla Scrapbook
Preview: Big Band (Xbox 360)
Episode #45 - Guerilla Scrapbook (Ep. 45) - Grab your zoot suit and put on your dancing shoes, because Electronic Arts is about to redefine the music genre. Hot on the heels of Rock Band comes the next big thing. ...

August 23, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - August 23, 2007
Episode #24 - Apparently August is a great month for retro gaming. Last week we saw four great games released, and this week's titles are even better. In this week's episode of This Week In Defunct Games we look ...

August 22, 2007 They Said What?!?
EGM March '93 - The Super NES CD is Real
Episode #13 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 13) - The Super NES CD is real? The Neo Geo CD is vaporware? The Jaguar is more powerful than the 3DO? What the heck is going on here? Oh, I ge...

August 20, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Super Street Fighter II Turbo on PC - Advertisement Review
Episode #153 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (PC CD-ROM)
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this...

August 20, 2007 Bad Advertisement
The Glove on N64/PS1 - Advertisement Review
Episode #154 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
The Glove (N64/PS1)
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertis...

August 20, 2007 Bad Advertisement
PlayStation Magazine: 1-900 PSM - Advertisement Review
Episode #155 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
1-900 PSM
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisement when...

August 20, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Pretzel Pete on PC - Advertisement Review
Episode #156 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Pretzel Pete (PC)
promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game ...

August 20, 2007 Commercial Break
Masters of Bad Advertising
Episode #39 - Commercial Break (Ep. 39) - Ladies and gentlemen, I give you another uplifting episode of everybody's favorite show. This is Commercial Break, the show where we look at four of the worst advertisemen...

August 19, 2007 Review - Game Gear
Review: Tails Adventure
Hey, shouldn't it be "Tail's" Adventure? I hate to correct Sega's grammar or anything, but you would think they would have noticed that earlier. Either way, Tail's ... er, Tails Adventure is a ...

August 19, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #70 - Only two reviews? That's right, because this weekend we're busy getting ready for the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX). But don't worry; we may only have two reviews going up this weekend but that they ...

August 18, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Thunder Force V
If you owned a Genesis and loved 2D shooters then chances are you also loved TechnoSoft's Thunder Force III, a groundbreaking shooter that defined what a shoot em up was back in the early 1990s. Thun...

August 17, 2007 Bonus Levels
Diary of a Mad Black Otakon
Episode #71 - There's nothing quite like a convention, especially if it's the second largest event for Japanese culture! This is Otakon, the annual convention held in Baltimore, Maryland. Defunct Games has sent o...

August 16, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - August 16, 2007
Episode #23 - With another week comes another Thursday and that can only mean one thing, it's time for yet another episode of This Week in Defunct Games! We have a packed show lined up for you today including four...

August 14, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: PQ2: Practical Quotient 2
With its simple graphics and logic-based puzzles, PQ2 may not look all that exciting. But once you've gotten the hang of it this game proves to be one of the best puzzle games on Sony's handheld. Th...

August 13, 2007 On Running Feuds
Nothing Sadder Than an Old Hipster
Episode #132 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 132) - Lenny Bruce said it best when he said: "There's nothing sadder than an old hipster." Unfortunately Microsoft is proving that the old saying is still relevant all these ye...

August 12, 2007 Review - Lynx
Review: Chip's Challenge
It's a rule of nature that every portable game system needs a solid puzzle game. Thankfully Chip's Challenge fits that bill for the Atari Lynx. Forget about the stripped down PC versions, this Lynx ...

August 12, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Clockwork Knights 2
Released only months after the first Clockwork Knight, this Sega Saturn sequel manages to improve on the original in just about every way possible. Clockwork Knight 2 is a quirky 2D action game that ...

August 11, 2007 Review - Game Gear
Review: Devilish
Devilish does for Arkanoid what Devil's Crush did for pinball! This crazy Game Gear game takes a crazy concept and actually makes it work. Who would have thought that a demonic Breakout clone (with ...

August 11, 2007 Review - Game Gear
Review: Ristar the Shooting Star
While everybody knows of NiGHTS, Phantasy Star Online and Sonic the Hedgehog, there's one Sonic Team game that nobody seems to remember. That game is Ristar, a crazy 2D platformer featuring a star th...

August 11, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #69 - After a week off, the Weekend Update is back to their normal grind! We've decided to devote the full weekend to reliable staff writer Joshua Dollins, a man who has already contributed dozens of great...

August 10, 2007 On Running Feuds
Game Theory's Flawed PSP Theory
Episode #131 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 131) - While we love that Game Theory wants to be a serious podcast about the inner workings of the video game industry, we are starting to worry that maybe they are letting thei...

August 09, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - August 9, 2007
Episode #22 - Hey look at that, it's another Thursday and that can only mean one thing ... there's only one more day until Rush Hour 3 hits the theater. In case you cared, Thursday also means that it's time for an...

August 08, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: PaRappa the Rapper
Everybody's favorite 2D rapper has been resurrected for the PSP. But instead of spending the time to actually develop a brand new game, Sony has decided to port this ten year old rhythm game for thei...

August 07, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Tenchu Z
Recently PlayStation 3 owners were lucky enough to get Ninja Gaiden Sigma, one of the greatest ninja games of all time. So what does Microsoft have to combat the power of Ryu Hayabusa? Unfortun...

August 06, 2007 Bonus Levels
Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the CGE 2K7
Episode #70 - Think E3 is the only video game convention this year? Think again, we're just getting started with our convention coverage! In fact, Adam Romano just returned from Las Vegas where he attended t...

August 03, 2007 On Running Feuds
The Road to Damascus Leads to Gaming
Episode #130 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 130) - In our 130th episode of On Running Feuds we've decided to veer off into a very controversial direction. These days we're used to games that involve American heroes and ev...

August 02, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - August 2, 2007
Episode #21 - It's the first Thursday in August and there's only one question on our minds: Can the retro games of August be as cool as the retro games of July? Judging from this first week the answer to that...

August 01, 2007 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #23: Spider-Man 3
Episode #23 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...

August 01, 2007 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! July 2007 Edition
Episode #24 - You just spent all week running from one hotel to another in order to make your E3 appointments, you came face to face with your arch nemesis in the Big Brother house, and Wii Fit informed you that yo...