July 2007

July 31, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: The BIGS
You've never seen America's Favorite Pastime like this before! It's The BIGS, 2K's over the top look at the world of baseball. While this is hardly the first arcade-style baseball game, The BIGS is ...

July 30, 2007 Radio Free Gaming
Somebody Else's Podcast! Vol. 8
Episode #14 - Radio Free Gaming (Ep. 14) - It's time once again for Somebody Else's Podcast, the show that dares to listen to all of those other video game podcasts and pick apart the best and worst moments just fo...

July 29, 2007 Review - Lynx
Review: Warbirds
While it's not for everybody, Warbirds is actually a surprising portable game. This is a 3D action/flight simulator that uses polygonal graphics and offers exciting multi-player support. So what's t...

July 29, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #68 - We're back with yet another weekend full of gaming goodness. Oh my god, did I just say "gaming goodness"?? Just kill me now! Okay, let's see if I can get past the ugliness and cliches. S...

July 28, 2007 Review - Sega CD
Review: Dark Wizard
Isn't it about time we looked at another classic Sega CD strategy/RPG title? Last week Josh told us all about The Heroic Legend of Arslan, a competent Sega CD game that was incredibly difficult ...

July 27, 2007 A Brief History of Gaming
The World According to Gunpei Yokoi
Episode #5 - A Brief History of Gaming (Ep. 5) - Gunpei Yokoi is one of the most important figures in video game history, yet with all his fame and innovative ideas this is a story about a man who was drummed out ...

July 26, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - July 26, 2007
Episode #20 - It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing ... it's time to vote somebody out of the Big Brother house. Hmm, okay, maybe it can mean two things, because we're back with another episode of This We...

July 25, 2007 Bad Advertisement
The Black Bass on NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #149 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
The Black Bass (NES)
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game adverti...

July 25, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Taito's Heat Wave - Advertisement Review
Episode #150 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Taito's Heat Wave
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisem...

July 25, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Verdict TeleReviews - Advertisement Review
Episode #151 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Verdict TeleReviews
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertis...

July 25, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Spud's Adventure on Game Boy - Advertisement Review
Episode #152 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Spud's Adventure (Game Boy)
promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this cla...

July 25, 2007 Commercial Break
Aliens in Bad Advertising
Episode #38 - Commercial Break (Ep. 38) - It's the long awaited return of the Commercial Break, the one show that isn't afraid to introduce you to the worst advertising of all time. In this episode we take a look ...

July 23, 2007 On Running Feuds
The Great Virtual Console Crash of 07
Episode #129 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 129) - As much as we want to love the Virtual Console, Nintendo has made it hard for us to get excited about it. Even with amazing software we can't help but feel like the Virtu...

July 22, 2007 Review - WonderSwan
Review: Kinnikuman Nisei: Dream Tag Match
I've seen a lot of terrible names in my life, but none are as perplexing as Kinnikuman Second Generation Dream Tag Match! Why is this the Second Generation? And how is this a Dream Tag Match...

July 22, 2007 Review - Game Gear
Review: Woody Pop
Speaking of terrible names, Woody Pop is another bad example of game titles. With a name like Woody Pop it's hard to tell what this game is about, but I do know one thing I would be embarrassed to ex...

July 22, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #67 - It sure does feel good to be back at the office using our regular desks and computers. Say what you will about traveling, there's just something magical about being back in a familiar environment. O...

July 21, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: PowerSlave
Don't think the Sega Saturn is capable of a solid first-person shooter? Well think again, because PowerSlave is ready to knock your socks off. While it's true that the Sega Saturn isn't the 3D ...

July 21, 2007 Review - Sega CD
Review: The Heroic Legend Of Arslan
Sega is right at home when it comes to engaging strategy role-playing games. Perhaps that's why nobody is surprised that The Heroic Legend of Arslan is such a fun game ... once you figure out how to ...

July 19, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - July 19, 2007
Episode #19 - It's the Thursday after E3 and that can only mean one thing ... we have a TON of classic games to talk about. Not only do we have to talk about the four retro games released this week, but we also ha...

July 18, 2007 Freeze Frame
Haven't We 'Scene It' All Before?
Episode #68 - The Freeze Frame (Ep. 68) - I don't know about you, but this year's E3 was light on game announcements. While some people expected to hear about a new Zelda or Gears of War, what we got instead was a...

July 17, 2007 E3 2007
And Sony Stays In the Picture
Episode #4 - After two disappointing press conferences we're leaving it up to Sony to wow us. And guess what? THEY DID! Despite our skepticism, Sony actually came through with some strong announcements, ne...

July 17, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Crush
Are you sick of all those me-too first-person shooters and racing games? Do you want to try something completely new and original? Now is your chance, thanks to Sega's newest PSP puzzle ga...

July 17, 2007 E3 2007
Hey G4, This Is Your Sign!
Episode #5 - Over the past few days I have reviewed all three of the major first-party conferences. Over the next few weeks we plan on covering a lot of the individual games we played at this year's E3. But befo...

July 16, 2007 I've Got Your Number
The 12 Disturbing Trends of E3 2007
Episode #12 - I've Got Your Number (Ep. 12) - We're back from E3 and boy do we have a story to tell. But before we sit down and start writing out all of our important thoughts, perhaps we should address some issues...

July 16, 2007 E3 2007
Nintendo Drops the Ball
Episode #3 - We're done with Microsoft and moving on to Nintendo. With the stunning sales figures and some strong fourth quarter games under their wings this was Nintendo's conference to lose. So how did they do...

July 15, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Deep Fear
When it comes to atmospheric adventures games the Sega Saturn seemed to always come up short. While the PlayStation had games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, the Saturn just couldn't attract the ...

July 15, 2007 Review - Saturn
Review: Decathlete
I don't care if you call it Decathlete or Athlete Kings; this 3D Track and Field rip-off is certainly not worth your time or money. If you're a fan of jamming one button over and over while playing t...

July 15, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #66 - We're back from E3 and boy are we tired. But don't worry; we aren't too tired to offer another four reviews of classic (and completely forgotten) games! This weekend brings us a game about spying, a...

July 14, 2007 Review - 3DO
Review: The Horde
The Horde is like an ultraviolent version of Animal Crossing. In this action/adventure game you take back control of your town by defeating one bizarre creature after another. Originally hyped as on...

July 14, 2007 Review - CD-i
Review: Voyeur
There are some things that just ooze the 1990s. Beanie babies, the macarena, and the Rachel haircut instantly spring to mind. But if there's one thing that reminds me of the 1990s it's the non-stop ...

July 13, 2007 A Brief History of Gaming
The Rise and Abrupt Fall of E3
Episode #4 - A Brief History of Gaming (Ep. 4) - This week brought us the beginning of a new chapter in the story of E3. What once was a gigantic event with a circus-like atmosphere has been turned into an intima...

July 13, 2007 E3 2007
What Was Microsoft Thinking?
Episode #2 - Microsoft's press conference was the perfect example of style over substance. While I wanted to love what the Xbox 360 was doing, Microsoft fell down nearly every step of the way. The good news is t...

July 12, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - July 12, 2007
Episode #18 - Just because Cyril is off dealing with all the industry types at the E3 Media & Business Summit that doesn't mean that we're going to leave you high and dry. Wes has been gracious enough to step in a...

July 11, 2007 Bonus Levels
The 25 Most Unnecessary Games of All Time
Episode #69 - Every year game companies release hundreds of games. Some of those games are must-own products; others fail on every possible level. And then there are some games that are completely unnecessary. G...

July 10, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Shadowrun
Who knew that Microsoft's newest first-person shooter, Shadowrun, would be such a controversial game? After some less than stellar reviews Mitch Gitelman, the man heading up FASA Studios, has de...

July 09, 2007 Fight The Future
Fighting All of Your E3 Predictions
Episode #4 - Fight the Future (Ep. 4) - With only hours to go before Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and the rest of the game industry unveils their plans for the next twelve months it's easy to understand why so many g...

July 08, 2007 E3 2007
Welcome to the Defunct Games E3 2007 Coverage!
Episode #1 - We're mere hours away from the start of another exciting E3. But how much fun will this year's event be after all of the changes? But don't worry; regardless of what E3 has become Defunct Games...

July 08, 2007 Review - Game Gear
Review: Double Dragon
Now hang on a moment; the box says Double Dragon, but what I'm playing certainly isn't the Double Dragon I remember. This Game Gear game is an entirely new Double Dragon game ... which isn't as good ...

July 08, 2007 Review - Sega 32X
Review: BC Racers
Isn't it about time we talked about a shameless Mario Kart imitator? This is BC Racer, one of the first of many kart racing clones, it features Chuck Rock, Son of Chuck, and a lot of other chara...

July 07, 2007 Review - N-Gage
Review: Mile High Pinball
Is it just me or does the name of this game sound like I'm about to get lucky on a pinball table? Sadly that is not the case (as far as you know), because this is Mile High Pinball, a surprising...

July 07, 2007 Review - Master System
Review: The Ninja
You have to love simple names. There's just no getting around what The Ninja is all about. In case you haven't guessed, The Ninja is a rhythm game that puts you in control of a hip hop pirate. Actu...

July 07, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #65 - This weekend the Defunct Games crew is off to sunny California to be part of E3. But don't worry, we're not about to leave you high and dry this weekend. Instead we're going to deliver our regular d...

July 06, 2007 A Brief History of Gaming
Violence in Gaming ... Thank God!
Episode #3 - A Brief History of Gaming (Ep. 3) - It's been a couple weeks since the ESRB decided to slap an AO rating on Rockstar Games' newest ode to violence, Manhunt 2. And in that time we've heard a rather vo...

July 05, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - July 5, 2007
Episode #17 - It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing ... I accidentally forgot to pay my rent! I guess I better tell you all about today's newest article before I get evicted. It's time for another instal...

July 02, 2007 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! June 2007 Edition
Episode #23 - You just spent three days waiting outside for the iPhone, you realized that Shadowrun isn't nearly as good as you were led to believe, and Rainbow Six Vegas FINALLY came out for the PlayStation 3. It...

July 01, 2007 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Falcon
Now here's a genre that has been strangely under represented on the game consoles. Falcon is an air combat simulator, a computer port that bites off more than it can chew. At its core Falcon is a gr...

July 01, 2007 Review - Master System
Review: Reggie Jackson's Baseball
Sega has had a strange history of nabbing crazy celebrities for their video games. Who can forget Michael Jackon's Moonwalker, or what about Pat Riley, Tommy Lasorda and Buster Douglas? But whi...

July 01, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #64 - Can you believe it's already July? In just over a week we'll be in California covering E3, gee how time flies. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, because we still have plenty of reviews to t...