June 2007

June 29, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu
Considering how much I hate the Dragon Ball Z anime it might seem strange that I keep reviewing the games. But here I am, reviewing yet another installment of the ongoing fight between Goku and, well...

June 28, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - June 28, 2007
Episode #16 - It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing ... it's time for another Grand Theft Auto IV trailer! But after you've warn out the video quality watching that trailer over and over and over I sugges...

June 27, 2007 They Said WHAT?!?
Mitch Gitelman Goes Down!
Episode #12 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 12) - Nobody likes getting a bad review, especially when it's a bad review of something you spent years working on. But Mitch Gitelman, who recently finished Shadowru...

June 26, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Prince of Persia Classic
There are good games and there are classics, and Prince of Persia is a bona fide classic. How do I know? Because the game's name is Prince of Persia Classic ... they couldn't call it that if it...

June 25, 2007 On Running Feuds
McDonald's > Burger King
Episode #128 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 128) - You heard me; McDonald's is greater than Burger King! Argue all you want, but when it comes to fast food video games McDonald's is the king. You don't need to be a Big M...

June 24, 2007 Review - Game Gear
Review: Crystal Warriors
What the portable market needs is a really good role-playing game. The type of RPG that makes you turn off your console and pay close attention to the small screen. Unfortunately Crystal Warriors is...

June 24, 2007 Review - Lynx
Review: Basketbrawl
Long before NBA Street and NBA Jam there were games like Basketbrawl and Arch Rivals. Unfortunately neither of these games was very good, as is demonstrated by this tragic Lynx port of Basketbrawl. ...

June 24, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #63 - Another week has gone and that can only mean one thing: We're one week closer to E3! But don't get too excited, because there are still two more weekends before we pack up the Defunct Games offices a...

June 23, 2007 Review - Jaguar
Review: Attack of the Mutant Penguins
With popular movies like Surf's Up and March of the Penguins, it appears as though penguins are the new hotness. Who would have thought that the well dressed animals would have their day in the sun...

June 23, 2007 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Chase HQ
Chase HQ is one of those long-running franchises that doesn't get the respect it deserves. One could argue that without the Chase HQ games we might not have popular titles like Grand Theft Auto and S...

June 22, 2007 A Brief History of Gaming
Sega Does What Nintendoes
Episode #2 - A Brief History of Gaming (Ep. 2) - Wes Grogan returns with yet another episode of A Brief History of Gaming, everybody's favorite on-going history lesson! In this second episode we learn that Ninten...

June 21, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - June 21, 2007
Episode #15 - Occasionally we have these really great weeks where we have the opportunity to talk about amazing games and rare gems. This is not one of those weeks. Instead we get to talk about Bloody Wolf, NES O...

June 20, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS
Oh SNK vs. Capcom ... what the hell happened to you?? Of all the retro resurrections this year, it was SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS that we were the most excited about. Yet SNK decided...

June 18, 2007 Radio Free Gaming
Somebody Else's Podcast! Vol. 7
Episode #13 - Radio Free Gaming (Ep. 13) - It's time once again for Somebody Else's Podcast, the show where we listen to everybody else's podcasts so you don't have to. We collect the best and worst moments from a...

June 17, 2007 Review - Neo Geo
Review: Twinkle Star Sprites
Think that Puzzle Quest was the first game to combine the puzzle genre with something radically different? Think again, because Twinkle Star Sprites is a 2D shooter masquerading as a puzzle game...

June 17, 2007 Review - Game Gear
Review: The Chessmaster
You know who's not The Chessmaster? Me! That's right, I absolutely suck at chess. Always have and probably always will. Tetris is more my speed and I don't care who knows it. Then again, the...

June 17, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #62 - Now this is the type of weekend we don't see very often! This is a weekend where all four reviews are not only by different writers, but they're all on different systems! How crazy is that? On...

June 16, 2007 Review - PC Engine
Review: Dragon Egg!
Think all dragon eggs are as easy to hatch as Yoshi? Think again! In Dragon Egg it's your job to hatch, teach and grow your very own dragon. Sure that sounds incredibly boring; thankfully this...

June 16, 2007 Review - Sega CD
Review: Mansion of Hidden Souls
Like slow moving adventure games in the same spirit as Myst? Wish that you had something as creepy as Resident Evil but without all of the zombies and action? Want to be able to beat a ful...

June 14, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - June 14, 2007
Episode #14 - It's Thursday and you know what that means: It's time for another episode of Pirate Masters. It's also the day we recap the best and worst of retro games in a little show we like to call This Week In...

June 12, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Test Drive Unlimited
While it doesn't have the best graphics, game play or sound, Test Drive Unlimited proves to be one of the most technologically impressive games of the year. This little PSP game manages to recreate j...

June 11, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
While it's definitely not the best version of the game, Puzzle Quest on the Nintendo DS is an absolute triumph. It's a brilliant reminder of how addictive a puzzle game can be, and while the adventur...

June 10, 2007 Review - N-Gage
Review: Pandemonium
While it's not the full 3D action game that Super Mario 64 was, Pandemonium is still a fantastic game with some fun platforming and whimsical levels. But is this N-Gage port the same fun game that we...

June 10, 2007 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: NBA Jam Extreme
It's hard to believe that there was a time not too long ago when NBA Jam was the undisputed ruler of the arcade. With its four-player mode and ability to suck quarters out of you every few minutes, N...

June 09, 2007 Review - Sega CD
Review: Lunar: The Silver Star
Al returns with one of the greatest 16-bit role-playing games of all time, a genuine classic that should not be missed. Lunar: The Silber Star was a landmark Sega CD game, one of the very best reason...

June 09, 2007 Review - N-Gage
Review: High Seize
Are you the type of person who loves the Advance Wars series but hate the idea of owning a Nintendo portable? Is your only handheld a Nokia N-Gage? If you answered yea to those questions t...

June 09, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #61 - Is it the weekend again? Time sure does fly when you're busy posting new articles! Well, there's no point in complaining, so I might as well let you know that we have an excellent weekend updat...

June 08, 2007 A Brief History of Gaming
The Baer Necessities
Episode #1 - A Brief History of Gaming (Ep. 1) - In our on-going attempt to explore everything old, Defunct Games is proud to present our newest show, A Brief History of Gaming. This is just the beginning of a mu...

June 07, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - June 7, 2007
Episode #13 - It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing: It's time for another episode of This Week In Defunct Games! Today is a special day because not only do we have a solid new episode lined up for you, b...

June 06, 2007 On Running Feuds
Why Are My Next Gen Games from 2004?
Episode #127 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 127) - Is it just me or are a lot of the biggest games of 2007 remakes of the year old games? Between Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Chronicles of Riddick and Resident Evil 4 I am...

June 05, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Love the Tony Hawk series and can't wait another four months to play Tony Hawk's Proving Grounds? Then boy do I have the game for you, it's Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam for the PlayStation 2. While...

June 04, 2007 DGC On Demand
The Best Damn Commercial Show Period 3
Episode #14 - DGC On Demand (Ep. 14) - There's nothing like memorable advertising, and the video game industry is filled of it. It's for this very reason that Defunct Games is proud to bring you yet another episod...

June 03, 2007 Review - PC Engine
Review: Gomola Speed
No, this game has nothing to do with Ultraman. Instead Gomola Speed has more to do with the classic game Snake than anything else, and believe it or not that's a good thing. Gomola Speed is a solid ...

June 03, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #60 - What a busy weekend it's been, it's just been one crazy thing after another. Unfortunately due to being so busy we only have two reviews for you, but they both come from brand new Defunct Games staff...

June 02, 2007 Review - Sega CD
Review: Tomcat Alley
When you look back at all of the full-motion video games released on the Sega CD and TurboDuo it's hard to choose any of real quality. While Night Trap has its fans, it's usually not for its gameplay...

June 01, 2007 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #22: The Heist
Episode #22 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...

June 01, 2007 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! May 2007 Edition
Episode #22 - You've just spent the last 360 hours of your life playing the Halo 3 beta, you were thoroughly disappointed by the crap that was Spider-Man 3, and you honestly didn't care who won American Idol. It s...