January 2005

January 28, 2005 Bonus Levels
I Love the 04: Top 20 of 2004
Episode #46 - You think you know everything about 2004? Well you don't love 2004 like we do. Because we LOVE the 04! It's that time of the year again, the time when Defunct Games takes a look back and picks...

January 15, 2005 Bonus Levels
Nintendo DS: Does History Repeat Itself?
Episode #45 - The last time Nintendo released a 64-Bit system it didn't go well for them, they fought Sony to the death, but Sony won. But don't look now, they are doing it again! The Nintendo DS promises Nintend...

January 14, 2005 Pop-Up Video Game
Flying In To Knowledge in Ace Combat
Episode #32 - It's time to dive bomb the information down there, because you're about to be schooled! In today's Pop-Up Video Game we are Flying In To Knowledge in Ace Combat! You can ride my tail anytime, Iceman...

January 10, 2005 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Alien Hominid
Alien Hominid may look like every Contra-clone you have every played, but beneath the surface is one of the most entertaining, exciting, and funniest games to come around in a long time. A true gem t...

January 08, 2005 On Running Feuds
From the Maker of 'House of the Dead'
Episode #45 - How many video game movies are too many? How many should one person do? What about in a row? Defunct Games has uncovered a gentleman who seems to be staking his whole career on the succ...

January 03, 2005 Pop-Up Video Game
The Natural Disasters of Thrill Kill
Episode #31 - Thrill Kill is one of those games that never had a chance to succeed; it was cancelled in the final hours of development. But that's not going to stop us from looking at the Natural Disasters of Thri...

January 02, 2005 On Running Feuds
Giancarlo Just Admit It
Episode #44 - Hey Giancarlo, just admit that you didn't play the finished version of Midway Arcade Treasures 2. Just admit it. We can prove you didn't, so don't lie to us. This is our 44th episode of the On Runn...