February 2005

February 28, 2005 Freeze Frame
Mike Tyson's Punch-Drunk Trend
Episode #48 - These days it's hard to remember the greatness of Mike Tyson, his legacy is clouded with everything from biting to rape. But that doesn't mean we can't talk about the guy and his desire to look almos...

February 21, 2005 Bonus Levels
Are Games Still Relevant?
Episode #47 - It had to be asked sooner or later, are games still relevant? Oh sure, games aren't going to disappear from the face of the planet or anything, but some of the themes might not make as much sense...

February 15, 2005 Reviews au Courant
Review: Tenchu: Fatal Shadows
Although Tenchu gets a few things right, the overall stealth action feels outdated and clumsy compared to other games in the genre....

February 11, 2005 Freeze Frame
One Stupid Question Deserves Another
Episode #47 - It's not always easy to get your letter in a game magazine; it's even harder for you to get a response. Yet Cara managed to get her stupid question into two different magazines at nearly the same tim...

February 09, 2005 On Running Feuds
This is an Article for People Who Like to Have Fun
Episode #46 - In our 46th episode of the On Running Feuds we take a look at some game journalist clich?s. Maybe it's just me, but when people say that a game is for "people who want to have fun" it makes me c...

February 07, 2005 Pop-Up Video Game
18 Holes of Facts in Mario Golf
Episode #33 - If there's one thing we know for sure it's that Mario loves golfing. Wait, he does?? I thought he liked soccer, baseball, and tennis?? The truth is, Mario likes all sports (exce...