March 2005

March 22, 2005 Freeze Frame
Rockstar Energy Drink is All the Rage
Episode #51 - Hey, what's that you're drinking? Rockstar Energy Drink? You think it gives you energy? You think you'll be able to be the man you want to be? Well think again, because this drink ...

March 20, 2005 On Running Feuds
Shortcomings of the Emerging Plot
Episode #48 - So you think you have this whole thing figured out, do you? Think the future is in Emerging Plots and interactive story telling, eh? Well Will Wright, you've had your chance to talk, now it'...

March 15, 2005 Freeze Frame
The Good, The Bad, and The Repetitive
Episode #50 - For a fourty year old movie, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is sure getting a lot of play in the video game world. But not by game makers. Instead it's all over game magazines, even though it has not...

March 13, 2005 Guerilla Scrapbook
Duck Hunt: Classic NES Series (GBA)
Episode #36 - Defunct Games gets the skinny on one of the upcoming Classic NES Series titles, and this one is a doozy. Expect big things when you take Duck Hunt and port it to your portable Game Boy Advance! Dust o...

March 11, 2005 On Running Feuds
Get Your Hands off the Music
Episode #47 - Game music hasn't always been good, and there are plenty of times we wish we could change it. Now it appears as if we'll ALWAYS have the choice to change the music, which seems like a good thing at fi...

March 09, 2005 Pop-Up Video Game
Convention Size Facts about E3
Episode #34 - We're gearing up for our trip to E3 with this brand new episode of Pop-Up Video Games, featuring Convention Size Facts about E3! Don't look now, you might actually learn something by reading this art...

March 07, 2005 Freeze Frame
How to Make An Impression
Episode #49 - America loves celebrities, no matter how talented they are. The staff of Defunct Games is no different, so we're always looking for a way to tie in our favorite artists. In this case we snagged the Be...

March 06, 2005 Bonus Levels
Disaster Report!! Your Megaton Guide to E3 2005
Episode #48 - There is no better time to be a journalist covering the video game industry than the middle of May. When E3 takes hold it's a magical world you never want to leave. But E3 is only three days out of th...

March 06, 2005 Top Ten List
Reasons Nintendo Won't Have the Next GBA at E3 (Broken)
Episode #60 - In these weeks leading up to E3 there are a lot of rumors floating about, especially when it comes to Nintendo releasing a brand new portable this year. Even though only Nintendo knows for sure, throu...